4 months seems so old! I can't believe you are no longer a newborn! The time just flew and you are now a smiling, hand sucking, wiggling 4 month old! I love my mornings with you. The first smile you crack at me when I come to get your from your crib just melts my heart. Watching the way a bath can calm you down no matter what mood you are in is another favorite time!
4 Month Stats
Weight -- 12 pounds 4 ounces (~16%)
Height -- 24.5 inches ( 57%)
The doctor says "you look perfect" I don't think there is any better news than that to hear from the
You are serious like your brother. However, when you are sucking on your paci and someone
starts talking to you you will crack a smile as your paci falls out and it is soo cute
You sleep in your mama roo for your naps and nap for 1-2 hours 3 times a day and take 1 30 min cat nap
You always sleep in your crib for bedtime. You sleep swaddled with your miracle blanket and then a swaddle me blanket over it. You can now flop your legs to turn yourself in circles and it is making me nervous so we will be breaking the swaddle soon. You sleep wonderfully at night. Sometimes I have to come and put your paci in your mouth but we never had to feed you in the middle of the night so that is a great victory. (You sleep from 7:30-8 till 7-8 depending on the day)
You usually suck your paci when you are going to sleep and then it falls out. You don't like to suck on in other than when you are getting sleepy
You loooove sucking on any and all fingers. It doesn't matter if you can figure out how to get one or three in your mouth you are sucking on them. You haven't figured out how to coordinate them on a consistent basis though.
You wear size 1 diapers
You wear size 3 month clothes.
You don't stare at us while we are eating quite the same when Craw did. You don't seem to fixate on us when we are eating so we are going to hold off on solids for a little while
You still have these beautiful blue eyes. I can't remember when Craw's eyes started to darken but for now yours are a pretty blue!
You are exclusively nursing every morning at 7:30 feeding. Then depending on my work schedule you will eat again at 10:30, 2, 5, and 7:30 or 8. You do great with bottles and nursing except at night. You started to seem extra hungry after nursing before bed. I would spend almost an hour switching you back in forth trying to fill you up. I finally started topping you off with 2 ounces. Well now some nights you just sccccream until I get you a bottle. Tonight was the first night I just did a bottle to relieve us all from the stress that accompanies the last feed.
You were taking 4 ounce bottle of milk but after seeing the doctor he suggested I try to increase them by about an ounce to get you back on the growth curve a little bit.
I don't get out much with you but when Craw is in school and I take you to the grocery, target or the mall you have done great. You just look around while sucking on your paci.
You can roll from your back to your stomach. I am normally holding you are moving around following your brother so I don't set you down a lot. Nana and Papa see you roll a lot more because you will just lay on the floor while Craw plays in the playroom.
You will always eat and then play for an hour to 1.5 hours before going back to sleep. This is probably the thing that is the most different between you and Craw. He always fell asleep nursing. You never do not even at night. You are always awake and alert after eating.
You always want someone to be holding you upright (and prefereably standing with you). You don't like being reclined and you will try so hard to sit yourself upright if you are not sat in that position.
You love bath time.
You still do great when you are outside but aren't a fan of walks (probably due to the reclined position)
Did we mention you hate the car and you are still quite fussy?! We love you angel ; )
Nicknames-- Suttina, stinker, baby girl, Tini topper, Tina, boopsy boopsy girl,
My favorite thing is to hear Craw pick up on what we call you and he says it in his sweet toddler voice. He will say "oh tell us all about it"
I love how the older you get the harder these pictures are. I think okay she's in a great mood let's go take some pictures and then we get about 20 where you are doing other things and 0 of you smiling!
However, once the pressure was off I got you smiling up a storm. I just adore your sweet smile.
Daddy takes you on the porch a lot while I work. They have a tv out there and Craw will watch tv and you will just sit in the bouncy seat (Craw would never ever sit in this so we are grateful that you will hang in here sometimes)
Sweet girl I just want to eat you up!
Aunt Cat bought you a lovi paci clip and it's just the sweetest
Aunt Cat has the magic touch per usual for getting you to fall asleep in places you would never sleep for me. Here we are downtown at he Saturday market and you are just snoozing on Aunt Cat with all the loud noise in the background.
I mean we wish Aunt Cat lived closer she is just sooo wonderful with babies and I am jealous of how S will just relax and sleep on her!
While I may not be the best at soothing her to sleep I can get baby girl to smile!
Since everyone says you look just like Craw and your dad I appreciate the picture below because it actually looks somewhat like me as a baby.
Love your blue eyes below
cuddle time with daddy while mommy gets ready for a Saturday at work.
Daddy is sooo great with the kids on the weekend. I can just see him totally entertaining them all day and they just love him!
When it's my day off with her it's back to playing dress up! These are the clothes I have dreamt of putting my sweet girl in. I just can't stand to watch her grow.
We met Ashley and her mom for lunch. She did soo great and she was all smiles!
Since we decided it was time to break the swaddle Brit sent me what she used to break H of the swaddle. She looks so peaceful below but apparently it was very short lived!
The sweet kids are so confused about which football team they are supposed to like.
I can't believe another month has come and gone. We love watching you grow and your sweet brother talking to you is just the cherry on top!