Monday, February 28, 2011

Last week @ home

Well I have officially embarked upon my journey back to was I dreading it! How could I leave this adorable guy to go back and listen to people complain about their medications not being $4 and just being ungrateful for just about anything we have done for them! Just wanted to share some pictures of the little guy! We are getting more smiles each day! I have really enjoyed my days with him as he has become much more content and we have settled into our little routine...of course Mister fussy after 6 pm is still around which makes it hard to leave him during the day and come home in the evening so I am REALLY hoping that in the next few weeks he becomes less fussy in the evenings.....although if last night was a test it sure isn't looking good....poor Brad got home around 5 and C pretty much cried till I got home at 9:15 (I sure add the the chunkster also ate 12 OUNCES ....yes 12 ounces from 6-9 and was STILL hungry!!) I knew he was a cluster feeder and he always gives us a run for our money in the evening but 12 ounces is a LOT considering he normally consumes 4 ounces every 3 hours. (Where could he be storing all this food?!) I fed him once I got home from work and he then slept from 10-10 (a little help from the dryer...but still slept 12 hours!) So Brad was obviously doing something right! I sure missed C my first 2 days back and thought of him often. I knew he was in great hands and I am sure that made it easier (I also knew that nothing was really changing...Grandpa came to our house so I knew he would be swinging, going on walks, being held and it was a familiar environment so I really felt so comfortable with the set-up!) I am hoping I can keep up with the pumping at work but it sure was difficult I would enter the pumping session just knowing that I was going to come back to a nightmare and of course I would return and the totes (Rx's) were stacked higher than I am usually comfortable with but such is life and right now C is still the main priority and at the end of the night I checked 389 prescriptions from 9-9 and I did get just as much done. (just not as fast as I am used to!)

Okay this picture deserves some explanation. Brad and I get a kick out of the fact that C is just so comfy in this swing..When he starts waking up he starts stretching and within minutes it can look like he is about to fall off the swing...don't worry we are always standing right there ready to scoop him up (and he does get buckled in but when we put him in their all swaddled up and sleeping he usually does not get buckled) anyways definitely a great memory to have of hour our little wiggle worm can scoot his way around in the swing!

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is hilarious- I just laughed out loud!! He looks so uncomfortable, yet so comfortable haha. Love him more and more every day!!!
