Saturday, June 11, 2011

24-26 weeks

We have had a fun and busy past couple of weeks. We have taken the boat out twice (both times C joined us and he looooved it!) We also visited Corinne and got to see my precious little nieces who I am obsessed with. Crawford is so happy these days and we have really had a fun past couple of weeks watching him discovering everything around him. He rolls all over the place and eats everything and loves finding new things that he can reach and put into his mouth.

Here is Ryan and C ....she was so loving and had fun helping me take care of him

C and I on the boat...he wasn't too found of the life jacket that pretty much engulfed him so I stayed under the shade and held him most of the day

gotta love C's ears

Hayden turned 2 so Corinne had a little party for her and she was just cute as a botton running all over the place and I just want to eat her up

C loved all of the kids and noise around all weekend at Corinne's and pretty much never wanted to take a nap from all the excitement going on

Hayden followed C all around and would say "baaby" in this hilarious creepy baby voice that made us watch as she would follow him in a daze and she repeated "" over and over

Ryan always the entertainer...

I mean how much fun is it getting C ready for the pool...I don't think kids bathing suits could be any cuter

Watching Ryan and Hayden love on C was so sweet. Hayden kept trying to pick him u p and turn him over...I think she thought he was her baby doll and it was very entertaining

Ryan loves posing for the camera...she just keeps wanting you to take pictures of her in different poses...again very humerous

Uncle Dantley hanging with C

Ryan helping me change C

getting packed up to go to Knoxville

I can't believe how fast he went from not wanting to be on his tummy at being able to push up and roll over...

C napping on the boat.

It's funny how fast he also outgrew the bumbo he can pretty much launch himself out of the bumbo already so we are not able to let him hang in there without us supervising very closely

Aunt Cat and C...he was just chilling...this does NOT happend often

Getting ready for bedtime..

Lauren and C hanging out at our house last weekend

Nick and Brad...he loves when we have people over at the house

All my favorite Greenville girls and Jenny!

Jenny came to spend the weekend with us...I mean Crawford loved her and she kept him so entertained....she was just great with him and I loved being with her and having much needed girl time!

Brad and I ....don't remember to take many of these anymore

love the adorable polo outfit Jenny brought for C

Aww he just loves being held by Aunt Jenny

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