Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10 Months

Oh Crawford---How the days get better each day! I really love you more each day and your daddy and I literally lay in bed laughing over things you did or smiles or snuggles we received! You consume our lives with love and entertainment and you really brigthen my day. I just adore the smile I get when I walk through the door....You get this huge smirk and you come crawling right for me and then pull up on my leg...nothing sweeter! You are busier by the day...figuring out new things to get into by the minute! You can get in all cabinets and can pull out just about anything (you ate your first chunk of soap just yesterday and I think you learned your lesson as you thought it was totally disgusting!) You play hard and sleep hard and we love when you start getting tired and you put your fingers in your mouth and you want your silky blanket or the silky edge of our pillow case to rub against your face. You even learned to stick out your tongue this month! You have become quite the little independent man-- you want to play with your toys and you can happily entertain yourself for 30 are determined to get what you want and if we try to block you from reaching something---you will figure out how to get it! I am loving the crawling days and the way you reach for me when daddy is holding you and pull up on me and I am treasuring these days because I just know when you learn to walk you are going to become even more independent and I am just not ready for that! Please stay sweet little man and know that every day we wake up thinkinf of you and ever night we say a prayer that you stay healthy! We love you so very much!


  • Weight-- 19.5 pounds

  • Height--

  • You still are breastfed 4 times a day (and thank goodness mommy finally got to hang up the pump as you stopped taking milk from a bottle so I just come home on my lunch break to feed you) You will take sips of mik from your sippy cup but overall the only way we are getting milk in you is if you are nursed

  • You are a vacuum when it comes to eating just about anything else--we haven't found a thing that you won't eat (oh other than the tiny piece of donut mommy fed you at Disney) --you have tried so many things -- turkey, pork, ground beef, eggs, chicken, macaroni, potatoes, peas, green beans, watermelon (still one of your favorites), strawberries, grapes, canteloupe, bananas, honeydew, quesadilla, noddles, soup--I mean everytime we try to give you baby food and we are eating real food --there is no chance that you will eat the baby food. You simply love everything we have put in front of you!

  • You sleep GREAT! 9:30-8:30 every day and we now just lay you in your crib when you are awake and you grab the silky part of your blanky and you are out. You also still take at least 2 sometimes 3 naps a day (always a long one about 2 hours after waking up then another 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon, then sometimes a 45 minute cat nap in the evening)

  • You wear 6-12 month clothes still. Most of your 9 month clothes are still big and of course you have a new outfit for each day of the week because your mommy can't control her shopping

  • You wear a size 3 diaper

  • You have 4 teeth now -your top 2 teeth came in this month. You really haven't shown any signs of teething other than when your first tooth came in.

  • You babble all the time-- still the most pronounced word is daa-daa although you still don't know that it means "daddy" so there is still hope for me. You say lots of constanant and vowel sounds and can say a quick ma-ma-ma but again you don't know it's me yet!

  • You give kisses now (well open mouth kisses and you have to be in the mood but you give them and we love it!)

  • you love diving off of any surface (bed, couch and you will literally head dive from the bed to the bench at the end and think it's hilarious you always laugh and we cringe just hoping you don't break something!)

  • You have this new cry --it's very high pitched and has lots of zzzz in it and it involved your tongue rattling on the roof of your mouth and you will stick your tongue out in the middle of a crying fit -it's pitiful and funny at the same time

  • You love getting into everything that you know you are not supposed to - and you know you ar not supposed to because take for instance when you reach the wine rack you will pull up then turn around to make sure we see you and then we tell you know and of course then you want it even more

  • You love phones, toothbrushes and man the laptop (it's like you go into this crazy Crawford must get the laptop zone when you see it ) I mean you can spot it across the room and you are just enthralled with it and you will spend forever trying to open it up..we have no idea why you like it so much but something about the laptop gets you

  • I love mornings now because you always want to cuddle in mommy and daddy's bed and suck your fingers and just lay there for about 15 minutes and it's our favorite

  • No real toys that you love --as you always want anything that is not a toy

  • You love cats and dogs and anytime there is an animal you want to catch it--you love Molly (Nana and Grandpa's cat)

  • You are not a fan of diaper changes or outfit changes and always give us a run for our money

  • You love putting your fingers in our mouth and again you think this is so funny (once we get you laughing it is so contagious and we all just carry on forever)

  • You love water and can drink out of any sippy cup (no straw cups yet)

  • You got to visit Disney World and we just all had the best time ever --you did so amazing on all the rides and were fascinated with everything in sight

  • You really took to your baby bjorn this month and will stay in it much better than your stroller at this time

  • Most of our days consist of watching you get into anything and everything and you stay so busy. You never take a break. You are not interested in tv, you just go go go from the minute you wake up. You are such an angel and your smile takes over your whole face and it's really contagious. You love attention and will do anything to get more attention. We love everything about you and have just adored this past month with you!

10 month photo shoot-

someone didn't want to stay on the chair at all

You love books too--not reading them but actually flipping through each page over and over again

practicing walking-you can go so fast and always want to walk on our feet as we hold your hands and walk with you (oh and you are probably eyeing the wallflower in the wall-you always want to pull everything out of the wall and then stick it in your mouth)

Happy 10 Months sweet boy--- we love calling you pumpkin, bud, and Craw

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