Tuesday, March 27, 2012

15 Months

Another fun and entertaining month with our little nugget! He brings so many smiles and laughs to our home every single day. I love that every time I give you your blankey you stick your 2 fingers in your mouth and you are so content.

You just adore your cozy coupe. You will push it around the house. You will get in and out of it 100 times a day and it's so fun to watch you enjoy your mini car.

With the weather warming up we have been venturing downtown to dinner and most of the time you have behaved quite nicely. You love looking around and watching kids in strollers pass by and of course dogs are your favorite. Here we are leaving Smoke on the Water after a Sunday evening walk/dinner downtown.

While mommy and daddy were away Grandpa finally got some golf clubs in your hands. Look like you were enjoying your time and Grandpa helping you to be the next Phil.

You just love your little cousins and we miss them tons.

This is you at home with daddy while mommy was at work. You slept so late that I didn't get to see you. However, this was a text I got and it was great to see you so happy in the morning.

You also attended cousin Carter's first birthday party while I was at work and here you are playing outside.

15 Month Stats:
  • Weight--22 pounds (15%)
  • Height-- 32 inches (75%)
  • Diapers -size 4
  • Clothing -- size 12-18, 18 months.
  • We just had a 15 month well visit and you look perfectly healthy. That is how we got your % stats this month. You got 2 shots and other than that the doctor just looked in your ears, eyes, mouth, etc and everything looked great
  • You are a way pickier eater this days. Something we are not too excited about. You now are picky about when you want to eat as well. You usually eat great at breakfast and then sometimes you want nothing for lunch or nothing for dinner but usually sometime during the day you will have a hungry period of time and we can get you to eat a ton
  • You love love clementines. You will eat every fruit and really would live on fruit if you could. You like french toast sticks for breakfast and other than that we try to give you what we are eating it just depends if you will eat it or not. You love love pizza. Protein and veggies can be tricky. Usually you will eat some turkey or chicken at some point during the day. Love your milk as always. I don't really give you juice but Grandpa and Nana give you enough to make up for mommy not giving you any ; )
  • You got a bottom tooth and two top molars while we were on a weekend getaway. You didn't show any signs of pain so I felt so silly when I was tickling you and I saw 3 new teeth. I am not quite sure when they came in exactly but we are thinking right around when you turned 15 months (March 18ish) That brings your teeth total to 9. You actually just got your bottom molar within the past fews days as well but I am a few weeks late writing this post but I guess now you have 10 teeth!
  • You take 1 nap around 10:30ish to 1ish depending when you go down, then  you take anouther from 4ish to 6ish. You go down by 9:30 and sleep from 8-9.
  • You can say ma-ma and I try really hard to get you to say it. When I got you from the gym today you were crying and saying ma-ma-ma-ma and it totally melted my heart.
  • You refer to everything as "daaaww" I am not sure if you really think everything is a dog or not. You can find the dog on your puzzle and in the animal book and it is very impressive!
  • You loveee your animal book and can flip through it all day long. You also love the little engine that could and you flip through it and always point to the different trains and call them "daawwws"
  • You can say Braaad and daaaad.
  • I can bribe you with the remote for a kiss and I can't believe how smart you are to figure that out.
  • You are now reaching on high surfaces for any and everything. Today you pulled the 5 lb bag of apples off of the counter onto your head--ha poor guy!
  • You always want to go bye-bye and whenever we say we are going bye-bye you walk to the door and wave. You also can go get your shoes when we tell you we are going bye-bye
  • You can bring mommy/daddy just about anything we ask for
  • If we say touchdown you throw your hands up in the touchdown pose
  • You make messes wherever you go--with your food (as you throw it on the ground when you are done), throw your toys all over, brings books and puzzle pieces from room to room
We just adore you and love watching your fun, high energy personality grow. You are always smiling and having a good time. You just like to be on the go so as long as you are not sitting still at the table you are having a great time. You still love your naps and sleep so well! We just love seeing how much you change from month to month. You are constantly learning something new. You love to play alone and a lot of the time you just want to play with your toys by yourself and be left alone. It is too funny you are very independent. I love hearing your laugh and the adorbale words that have begun to pour out of your mouth. Stay sweet little man we love you dearly!!!

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