Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sutton 5 months

Sutton at 5 months
You are starting to realize who we all are. Your eyes will follow me all over the room. You like to be close to us and you carried when possible. I love your sweet smile you give me when I say your name and you turn to look at me. Your eyes are this beautiful blue and I love how they twinkle when you smile.
  • Weight- 13.5 pounds (15%)
  • Length -- 25.5 inches
  • You are still wearing size 1 pampers diapers.
  • You wear size 6 month sleepers and size 3-6 month clothes
  • You are sleeping from 7:45 to about 6:30-7 (until daylight savings happened a few days before you turned 5 months old) ** you sleep straight through the night without waking up and we feel so grateful for that**
  • You take usually 2 2-2.5 hours naps and then 2-3 45-1 hour naps I would say that's a good average of your nap schedule
  • You nurse always in the morning at 6:45-7 then depending on my work schedule you either nurse or take a bottle the rest of the day. You eat at 10:30, 2ish, 4:30ish, 7:30ish. You take 5 ounces of milk and at night probably 6 ounces. You could probably take more so I am working on trying to build a better milk supply
  • Your fussy time is usually when you are a) hungry or b)sleepy so usually around nap time you start rubbing your eyes and then when you wake up you are usually pretty fussy and hungry
  • You still hate the car. You are so wonderful once we get to our destination but the actual car rides are generally pretty miserable. They have to be timed exactly right. You need to have a fully belly (but not have just eaten).
  • We stay pretty close to home other than running an errand while your brother is in school. You will tolerate the car usually once a day for running an errand with me.
  • You have tried out your exersaucer, door jumper, bumbo and you are content for a few minutes in each but get pretty bored fast.
  • You are always either sucking on your fingers or your fist or trying to put anything else in your mouth. Your poor hands are always either cold or wet.
  • For naps you are still sleeping swaddles in your mama roo. You just seem to really get comfortable and cock your head to the left and suck on your paci as your  rock away.
  • For bedtime, we feed you a bottle first then I nurse you and then put you in a sleep sack and lay you in your bed. You will either fall asleep right away after finding those fingers or you squirm around until you get comfy on your side and then you are out. You usually still sleep on your back with your head turned to the side. Every once in a while I see you on your side and just a few times you have dosed on your tummy.
  • You can roll from your back to your stomach and push up well but I don't see you roll back over often. You can but it takes a lot of effort and you usually get too frustrated before mastering it.
  • You always want to be either bearing all your weight on your legs standing or sitting completely up right, or flat on your back. You don't like being carried like a baby and anytime you are in a reclines position you are trying so hard to lift your head completely.
  • I am still doing a dairy free diet to protect your tummy and you haven't had any stomach issues this month that we can tell.
We just love to see your smiling face in the morning. You come with me wherever I go. You love your nana and papa who take care of you every day. You think your brother hung the moon. You could be so upset but if he starts playing around you just watch his every move and are so content. I just love watching you grow and change each day. You are my little angel and we love you so much!

Monday, November 10, 2014

October happenings

October happenings:
There is nothing more fun than dressing Sutton up and taking her on errands with me!
 Craw likes to do his own thing but every now and then he says let me take a picture with baby Sutton and it melts my heart.
It looks like the days of the paci are a thing of the past. Sutton has found her two fingers and she LOVES them!

 Sutton doesn't ever fall asleep outside her normal "schedule." However this morning she was up earlier and she was snoozing next to me in my bed.
Brad and I had an amazing anniversary date day. We went to lunch, to the mall, I got a massage, we had wine on the rooftop of Sip, and then dinner where we had our rehearsal dinner (Rick Erwins). It has been an amazing 6 years! 

Saturday morning errands at Target.

sweet girl dressed up for game day

Thomas has his 1st birthday party at the Runway Café. Craw and Ainslie ran around all over the place.
Sutton hung out in her carseat and was a doll

 He does the silliest things! He's our little ham!

Craw is attached to dadd's hip. I mean I can't break him away from him at night. Brad will be grading papers or watching football and Craw says I don't care I just want to be by daddy. Lately, he has been falling asleep jus like this. I can only imagine how much it warms Brad's heart!
 Picture day for Craw....running errands with mommy for Sutton.

 Above--Craw plays some games under Nana and Papa supervision.
Below- Sutton sleeping like an angel

The day after Halloween we woke up to a few inches of snow on the ground. It was so crazy. It wasn't even that cold on Halloween and the mountains were expecting snow but we had nooo idea we would end up with this much snow on the ground!

Novemeber 1st-- snow on the ground and Brad and Craw pulled out the Christmas tree

Brad cooking

Brad is so amazing with the kids. He took them to the children's museum on a Saturday when I was working.