Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sutton 8 Months

This month has been so exciting. You have experience so many "firsts." You cut your first teeth on 12.31.14 right before you turned 7  months. You then started crawling. Lastly, you started pulling up in your crib and we had to lower your crib. All the while you have just been a happy little doll baby. You just cheese when we give you attention. You have also started to notice if I am in the room. You will fuss immediately if you are playing and see me walk into the room. You love nana and papa and your brother just makes you laugh. We love the little character you have become and you just light up a room! We love spending the day as a family! You are so cute and we just can't stop talking about you. You are eating new things, exploring new toys, and love to be on.the.move. We have enjoyed this month so much and I just can't believe how much you are growing before our eyes!

  • Weight-- ~16 lb (16%)
  • Height-- ~27 inches (50%)
  • You are still in size 2 diapers
  • You wear 6 month clothes and 6-9 and 9 month jammies
  • You sleep from 7:15-8 until 6:45-7:15 depending on the day. You have been an angel in the sleep department. You go out and we don't hear from you until the morning ever and we are so so thankful for that (now watch you will wake up tonight after I just typed this)
  • You are loving any and all baby food. We have started a new Moms on Call schedule this month. Your nurse/take a bottle of 6 ounces of milk then one hour later you get baby food. You are eating stage 2 foods. You have loved them all but it always seems like you LOVE sweet potatoes, I have tried to make sure that they have some vegetable in them so that your taste buds stay accustomed to liking them (unlike your brother who hates veggies). You don't take very well to puffs but you LOVE yogurt melts. I haven't noticed any adverse effects to the yogurt melts so that is good news (in regard to your milk protein allergy)
  • You have also enjoyed when we hand you food. Broccoli, red pepper, canteloupe  you just love to suck/knaw on
  • Your favorite toys are surprise surprise remotes. You will see one across the room and go crawling for it. We could give you 5 toys and you would choose the phone or remote over it any day. You really like Sophie right now. You will play with whatever is in front of you though as long as you can put it in your mouth and chew on it!
  • Your crawl is too is a legit army crawl. You can get up on all fours and make a few moves but when you want to get somewhere fast you are army crawling like no other. (you have permanent red knees. I feel so bad but they are always red.)
  • You stood up in your crib for the first time last week. I was just looking for you in the morning and you were literally hanging over the crib rail just looking around. I darted upstairs so fast to rescue you. Now you love grabbing on to the bumper and trying to hoist yourself up. You will move all over the crib pulling up and falling backwards before you tire out.
  • you love blowing bubbles and if someone does it back to you -you will just keep doing it and make a racket. You love baby babble and it is so cute when you start going.
  • You are very attached to mommy right now. You can be playing just fine but if I walk in the room you get so fussy and I have to take over. You also are content just sitting with nana and papa but when I have you it's like I have to be walking around with you or you seem to get fussy. --smart little girl!
  • We got a new high chair that attaches to our table and you sit there pretty well for meals. If I need to do something for a few minutes I can generally sit you there with a few toys and you are happy.
  • You are back to napping better since we changed your schedule. You now nap from 9-10:45, 1-3, and 5-5:45ish
  • I am still nursing you morning and night (since I haven't had to work nights the past month). If I am off then I nurse you the other two times during the day but if I work you take a bottle and usually those bottles are formula as my milk supply just hasn't been nearly as good as the last go round. I usually pump twice a work and that just gives you enough for the extra I have to give you at night. 
  • Nana and Papa come over every day that I work. They just adore you and you love them. They take such good care of you are we are so so grateful for them. 
  • You still love bath time. You take baths with mommy most nights and you are so relaxed!
  • We took you to church for the first time this month and 2 days later you had the croup! You got a steroid shot from the doctor and were better in no time except that it turned into the never ending stuffy nose. We are just thankful that you are sleeping well through it all. 
I can't imagine how much more mobile and active you will become over the course of the next month.

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