You are just the sweetest! You are all about Mommy right now. If I am in the room you want me to be holding you. You will scream and cry if anyone else has you. The only other person you will go to is Nana and you will even reach for her if I have you. You also just love playing with your ears when you are tired and it is so so sweet!
11 Month Stats:
- Weight:
- Length:
- Sleep: You sleep from 7-8 until 6:30-7. You are just an angel sleeper. We give you your last bottle and then we just lay you down and we never hear from you again until the morning.
- Naps: You nap at 9:45 until 11 and then from 1:30ish until 3.
- You always have 4 bottles/sippy cups. You will drink milk out of either one just fine. You have about 5-6 ounces.
- You then eat a meal an hour after your bottle/sippy cup and then you usually have 2 more ounces of milk.
- You will eat most anything. Some days you seem to like one food and then the next day you seem to not care for it. I try to give you an egg in the morning and then when Nana and Papa are here you strictly eat baby food. When I am home I feed you strawberries, blueberries, or bites of whatever we are eating.
- You still only have 2 bottom teeth
- Diaper- size 3 pampers
- Clothes- 9-12 month. Sleepers: 12 months
- You looooove crawling up the stairs. It is your absolute favorite. You always want to carry something up the stairs too. It can be anything just as long as you place it from one step to the next.
- You love getting down off the couch yourself. You will flip over to your tummy and slide off.
- You love watching Crawford. Whatever he is doing you want to do. He will play so rough with you and knock you down and you don't seem to mind at all.
- You can wave and give a high five
- Daddy likes to tell you to put your hands up and you will raise both hands in the air.
- You give the best open mouth kisses!
- You love going on a wagon ride
- You love being outside and you like to bear crawl around
- You hum when you are eating something you really like just like your brother!
- You love your walker toys. You love to stroll around and push them everywhere.
- You just love to be standing in general. You just recently can go from sitting to standing all on your own!
- You can drink out of a straw
- Your snack preference would be a yogurt melt or those big long puffs that look like cheese puffs
- You still say dadadada best but can mutter some other vowel constanant sounds.
I just love watching you crawl up in my lap and suck your fingers and play with your ears. You will switch fingers and ears and go back and forth until you are almost asleep. You prefer to sleep on your tummy so you don't really like anyone to rock you to sleep. I love making you smile and laugh. Seeing your adorable little face each morning truly brightens my day. You are at the cutest age! I love dressing you and putting bows in your hair and carrying you around on my hip. You are my best little buddy and I can't believe you will be walking and off on your own before I know it. I am cherishing this time when you still want me to hold you and I love you with all my heart. We are so thankful for your great health and your infectious smile. We all love you so very much!
- You love mommy. If I am in the room you whine, scream, cry until I pick you up. You could have been the most content baby but if I walk in from work or anywhere else you go nuts until I hold you. Then I have to continue holding you.