Sunday, December 15, 2013

First Elf Visit

We heard the doorbell ring one morning in December and Craw ran to the door to answer it. He found an elf with a packed suitcase who was ready to move in for the month. Craw just stared at him for quite sometime. Crawford loves the Elf on the Shelf movie and watches "Chippy" the elf go live with a family so at first he thought it was Chippy. We told him that this was his own and elf and he got to name him. We made quite a few suggestions and Craw turned them all down. He then politely told us later that day that his elf's name was Duga Duga (pronounced doooooga dooooga). He thinks it's funny when we help guide him to where Duga Duga is each day. We have found him eating pancakges, turning milk green, and hiding in the washing machine. It has been a fun addition to our December this year!