Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Kiawah Island 2013

We left for Kiawah Island on Sunday night after I worked the weekend to meet up with Brad's parents, his brother, wife and their two kids. We woke up and Craw was just sooo excited to be at the beach. He had been talking about the beach all weekend and knew he would see the ocean, sand, seashells, and go swimming. Each morning I went for a 2 mile run and then we would all cook big breakfasts before getting all sunscreened up and heading to the beach. We would get to the beach between 10-11 and all the kids would play until 1-1:30. Then everyone would come in and we would give the kids a shower and all make sandwiches for lunch. After that we would put the two boys down and Brad, Brian, Hope and I would usually go ride bikes for a few hours. I absolutely looove riding bikes at the beach and I would usually ride bikes two different times a day. Sometimes before the beach sometimes while at the beach. When the boys would wake up we usually would get showers and plan our night for dinner. We would eat some good seafood and then let the kids run wild at the house until bedtime. It was a perfect little routine each day with lots of fun, energy, and some relaxation too.
Craw played in the sand at the beginning and would run in circles with Hope and Carter just having fun outside. As the day went on he would start splashing in the ocean. Then we asked him if he wanted to get in the ocean...well he loooved it. As in would giggle and screech and want more and more waves to jump over. The only thing making him come to shore was the burning salt water in his eyes.

Craw doesn't like sitting still so dinners consisted of us bribing him with iphones so that he would sit still like his cousins and enjoy dinner. Thankfully, he really likes peanut butter right now and we could usually get him to eat a sandwich at dinner each night.

The 3 of them just lovvvve each other. Craw is either playing with Carter or having his best buddy Hope show him new things to get into.

He wanted to learn how to play this beach game so bad. He would ask us to throw the ball and he would try soo hard to hit the ball with the racket...
We went to the marina for dinner and he loved the bridge and boats and running around the fountain.

This is so sweet of Craw and Carter running out with the boogy board. They didn't really know what to do with it but Brian would usually get them to have a ball playing on it in the ocean.

The kids each had an ipad and during downtime you could usually find them each with their own ipad. This particular morning they decided to share the ipad while eating breakfast.
Brad, Brian, and I took the kids to the end of the island to see what all was down there. Hope rode behind Brian's bike and I toted the two boys in the trailer. When we got there it was really quiet and people were everywhere. There was a school of dolphins swimming really close the shore and they kept surfacing every few minutes..too cute

Craw's favorite person in the world--his paw paw. He just adores paw paw and lights up whenever he sees him. Paw Paw is always soo concerned about Crawford and I have just loved watching their relationship turn into the sweetest thing. Craw always wants paw paw--in the ocean, when he wakes up (he either hollers for mama or paw paw from his bed)...I just love how paw paw would get in the ocean and jump the waves with Crawford...

I could hardly ever get a picture of him standing still...he was constantly running from the water back to the sand and beach chairs having a ball.

One night Brad's parents let the kids go out on their own for dinner and kept the little ones. We decided to venture to the ocean course at Kiawah for dinner. It was paaaacked. I couldn't believe that the golf course was 10 miles from where our house was. The island isn't the big so it's crazy how far out their this ocean golf course is. It was beautiful! We loved enjoying a glass of wine watching some golfers finish the 18th hole as the sunset over the ocean.

We obviously don't go anywhere without Craw's obsession--Thomas. Bath Thomas joined us at the beach and he loved pushing him through the sand

On our last night we took the kids out after dinner to get some sunset pictures of them at the beach in their navy and white. Of course trying to get them all to look at the camera and smile is a different story.

We love this special week we all share together. It's so fun to see that each year will be fun in a different way as the kids get older and enjoy different things. We are sooo grateful to his amazing parents who plan and treat us to a fun week at the beach. We will always remember the fun memories we all share together there.

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