Sunday, September 26, 2010

28 Weeks!

Well I accidentally deleted this picture in the middle of my blog and since I am not very blog savvy I will just talk about it here! Cathleen has taken up sewing and has made us these addddorable gifts for baby Redd. She made the whole blanket all by herself and has learned to applique (I think that's the right sewing term) but the bibs and burp clothes are soo cute and I can't wait to take pictues of him using these adorable gifts!

This has been a great week in pregnancy world! We have gotten the nursery painted, the crib put together, the bedding put on, all of the wonderful baby gear that Corinne has graciously given us cleaned and put away, and we finally registered for pretty much everything except our big ticket item...duh duh duh..our stroller we are still trying to decide on the perfect one for our lifestyle!

I started with a couple of pictures from our week with the nieces. Ryan actually wore this nightgown to sleep in (and oh she thought it was so cool that she wore one of Aunt Chrissy's t-shirts that didn't fit right now because I am pregnant) but we thought it would be even funnier to put Hayden in it. Needless to say she tripped a couple of times and we took it off! We took Hayden to eat some Chick-fil-A and we bought a big pack thinking we could all share..well that little eater ate 5 nuggets!

I am obsessed with her...can she be any cuter?!

Wednesday I had my monthly doctor's appointment (they will be every 2 weeks for a while now) but she gave me the choice of orange or fruit punch 5 gram dextrose drink and I chose orange. She handed me the bottle and told me I had 5 minutes to drink it and I better tip it back and chug (really funny because I mean it didn't take but a minute to easily get this down.) Also, it just tastes like a sunkist orange drink and it wasn't bad and it didn't make me jittery or any of these stories that women like to talk about! (at least my experience was just fine!) However, the doctor was running behind and I literally had to run downstairs after the appointment to make sure I didn't miss my time to have my blood drawn for the gestational diabetes test. I am sure I will only get a call if I fail so hopefully everything went fine!

Brad and I spent Friday night going through all of the gear and baby supplies that Corinne passed onto us. It was soo funny trying to make sense of many of these things. I mean she gave us 2 different baby carriers and I am still not sure we figured out how to work either of them. The bottles and different size nipples she gave us led to a lot of confusion as well as the bags of pacifiers ...hopefully baby Redd will find something he likes and we can go from there. It is great to have all these products to try out so that we know which items will work best for our baby. We also have a bumbo seat, johnny jumper, activity mat, boppy pillow and the list goes on..thanks sis! As a side note Brad swears he will NEVER wear a baby carrier and he despises them I can't wait to catch him carrying the baby in one and taking a secret photo I can only imagine how that will go over!

So after much looking I found 2 diaper bags that I like a lot. Now there is a significant price difference between the two...I would love yalls opinions on which one you like better (and by yall I mean Alexis and Britt since let's be honest no one else ever comments but Doug I'm talking to you too!)

We finally registered at our new favorite store! Buy Buy Baby...again we had about 3 people say aw you guys are back how are you? I mean this is sad and I can't imagine how much worse it will get in the next couple of months. The associates are seriously soo helpful and the store is soo nice and well organized and the associates are seriously trained on their products I could NOT even imagine buying a stroller or car seat without their knowledge and advice. Brad and I would be 2 frustrated shoppers if we didn't have their help explaining how to open and close all the various strollers...We spent 3 hours in there last Sunday looking around and about 3 hours there today registering so I do feel fairly confident with many of our baby selections. (I have been doing my research for months...well on most things...I am still a mess and lost and confused when it comes to bottles and nipples and pacifiers but quiz me on strollers and carseats and I will give you some great advice!)

I can't believe I have to admit this but our first collegiate gift was a Clemson gift (yuck!!) and the most ironic part is that it is from 2 App State grads I mean go figure! I will trash this before Brad ever realizes it is gone so we won't really say that this is the first least we know that he will have much more Georgia Bulldawg gear so what's a bib anyways right?!

Ever since we started working out at Sportsclub 2 years ago there is a lady that is there every morning from 5 am to 9 am and her name is Dee Ann. She is seriously one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. She makes it a point to learn everyone's name and greet them by name each day. Well we have had little chit chat here and there over the past two years and after I told her I was having a boy she let me know that she would like to make him something. Well she came in last week with this quilt that she MADE for our little boy. I was overwhelmed with her kindness and generosity. What a thoughtful gift to make for someone that you hardly know...I am so thankful for her kindness each and every time I visit the gym.

Here is a close up of little Redd's bedding. I mean I just love it...he's gonna be sleeping in style!

This is a front view. I was freaking out on Friday night when we first put it on because see I picked this "perfect bedding' and the "perfect crib" without realizing that the bedding probably would have fit better on a crib that was a little more dainty with thinner rails...I couldn't believe that the top ties would not fit around the thick front frame of the bed and I thought everything was ruined...well after going to 5 baby stores today it looks like over half the bedding we saw would not tie around the cribs thick frames...soo really no big deal and I am again happy with my beautiful bedding and crib selections.

After a hard night's work from Doug and Brad they finished this beautiful crib..Thanks guys you did such a great job and I just love it. You can see the blue baby room in the background (again Brad great job I appreciate all of your hard work to help make the baby's room absolutely perfect!)

Well I made it 28 weeks! Big time! ---90% of babies born at this point will survive (pretty impressive statistic) I darkened my hair a bit with the upcoming baby's arrival I know my money and time will not be well spent at the salon and may even go darker as the time approaches but knowing me I won't be brave enough!

Baby is the size of a small cabbage...I mean he sure is getting big in there!

*How far along? 28 weeks

*Total weight gain? 20 pounds

*How big is the baby? approximately the size of a cabbage (17 inches and 2.9 pounds)

*Maternity clothes? Well I bought 5 more shirts this week (that's huge for me!) that's after Brad called me out for wearing the same green shirt every day..haha thanks! Also, I have officially had my first week where strangers have finally commented that on the fact that I am expecting..the first comment came last Sunday when Brad and I were deciding where to eat lunch and we walked into a meat and 3 (I can't believe pregnant Christen has started liking this venues..but the girl behind the counter said "Well I know you must be hungry" ...haha oops we didn't eat there but we did check out the menu for another time...the next day in my spin class the instructor called me out (I mean finally these jokers realize that I am not the girl who keeps coming to the gym and keeps putting on must be that my tight spandex clothing are getting unbearable to see everyday...either way the instructor commented and of course the whole class started asking me questions and giving me advice it was fun!...the next comment came yesterday when I went to the Greer walmart for a day of work (I still wear my tight polo button ups so that I don't have to buy maternity blouses that will go to waste and since they hardly button I guess it has become noticeable..but the CSM said man it's an epidemic around here and I said what is? and she pointed to my stomach ..I always wanna look down and say "yes" when someone makes me feel better that people don't think I'm wearing too tight of clothing walking around the city! maternity clothese are fine by me these days!

*Sleep? Still sleeping soundly through the night ...wake up usually just once to go to the bathroom if I go to sleep before 11 (which rarely happend then it will be two times in the night so I can't complain about lack of sleep.....yet!)

*Best moment this week? Really deciding firmly on a first name..I mean we are so excited about the name of our little nugget if we could only decide on the perfect middle name I would scream the first name out loud!

*Movement? Well for a couple of weeks now I feel the baby pretty much non stop and I never knew how much I appreciated feeling him move or how cool it was to feel him move until Thursday came. I had gone to the doctor Wednesday and obviously heard his heartbeat and him squirming all around and everything was great and then Thursday and Friday nothing...I was starting to get really nervous...I mean I realized I was working and hadn't laid down or really rested the past 2 days (when you normally feel the baby the most) so I decide to get an ICEE at 4:00 on Friday afternoon and still nothing..Friday night nothing..I'm thinking what am I going to do in the morning if still no movement..well Saturday he was baaccck ..before work he was squirming and moving and I was elated! He didn't stop moving Saturday or Sunday so he was either a)really lazy or b) moved posistions..either way he's still there and I love him so much!

Food cravings? Well I know I don't have any desire to eat mexican right now (I never thought those words would come out of my mouth) and chips give me the wooorst heartburn and make me feel sick (this happened during the first trimester as well..probably a good thing anyways) but I still have the desire to squirt chocolate down my throat (that's how intense my sweet tooth is) but no other odd food cravings to report.

*What I miss? I feel like I move slower...I nnnever walked slower than Brad and when we go on walks after work I seriously can hardly keep up it's soo sad...

*What I am looking forward to? Deciding on a stroller (I am obsessed with them) and hopefully seeing the baby move in my tummy soon. I can't wait to be sitting or lying down and see a body part move across my stomach.

*Milestone? I am in the 3rd trimester and the days are just speeding by ...he will be here so soon!

*Is working out harder? Man somedays I just feel so exhausted and get so down on myself...I have had a hard time with cramping lately and I asked the Ob whether I should take it down a notch but she encouraged me to keep going. She said it probably isn't even dehydration cramps buy more of the muscle contracting around the baby and that this actually helps prepare the body for labor. She said that him getting squished and poked and prodded by my movements was really a good thing and that I am doing nothing at least Brad can rest now knowing that I am not crushing the little guy.

*What has been unexpected? How much things can change for you in a day. I feel like I am stuffed after eating an uncomfortable I can't breather or move because there is so little space inside and it doesn't kick in of course until after I have finished eating (this juuust started today so now I know I need to eat slower and really listen to my body)

*Names? it's coming really soon I can feel it! I love everyone asking for clues it's so fun because I just could never imagine anyone guessing this name! but no it's not Stone or any of Brad's crazy names.

*Nursery? Once we decide on the initials I will be hopefully having the coolest monogram made for the wall. I wish I could find someone around here with a lazy wood cutter so that I didn't have to pay a fortune to have this monogram made..but I love it and will probably buy it anyways. We stillll haven't decided on a glider or a glider color so again suggestions are welcome. We sat in a bunch of different ones today and I think I am even more confused than ever...

Brad leaves for Vegas on Thursday and our bank account is verrrry scared...I am trying to convince him to juuust bring cash so that we don't run into any scary charges later on. Cathleen is coming in on Thursday to stay with me (since you all know I am physically and emotionally unable to stay home alone) we will be attending a decorating class at Twigs (a local florist that does holiday decorating demonstrations while providing dinner. I went last year with Lauren and it was so cute and adorable and I can't wait for this years). I have to work a lot while she is here but I think she will find plenty of things to keep her busy and we will spend Saturday together as well. We will hopefully be nearing a decision on the baby's name and announcing it in the next couple of weeks!


  1. first off...I can't believe I'm beating Britt to commmenting- this is a first!!

    i LOVE this post- so much fun updating!! I love the baby bump- you can't even tell you're preggo unless you see the bump though. Pregnancy is treating you very well Christen!

    Also, the nursery is coming together beautifully! I just love the crib and the bedding and the's such an adorable room! and Cathleen is SO talented- those bibs and blankets are just too cute!!

    I'm torn on the baby first instinct is that I like the one on the left in the picture better, but I think I need more pictures. I'm so curious to see which one Britt like and which one you pick- keep me updated!!

    Please keep posting at least once a week (or more!!!) from here on out- so much is happening and changing and I'm so sad that I'm not there to feel the baby kick, or go eat weekly girls dinners together!!

    The 3 month count down begins...

  2. Hey!

    Sounds like everything is going great for you and the nursery looks awesome. Can't wait to see it in person.

    My thought for the bag - I love the one on the left. i guess the question is - are they functionally different? Is one bigger than the other, etc... If they are functionally the same and would work the same way for you, I gotta go with the one on the left. :)

    ~ Jess

  3. chills.... CHILLS! I just got chills all over my body reading this! (good chills, I might add). In fact... I might have got a little teary, too. I feel like this is the first update I've read where I've thought to myself "holy sh*t. my best friend is having a BABY".

    Is that weird? Maybe it's because you've made so much incredible progress, or that you're sporting a real baby bump, but I totally just got a jolt of the excitement you must be feeling... this. is AWESOME. You are going to have a BABY!!!

    Anyways, I'll talk to you today and chat about all this awesome progress you're making, but I think I might like the bag on the right better. I think they are both cute (really!), but the one on the right looks more like you.

    GREAT post! I love that you're becoming such a great blogger... I really love reading them!
