Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 26/27

I am definitely behind on blogging. It seems like I am always searching the web for baby nursery ideas or researching baby products for the little nugget. But I did have 6 days off and should have gotten a whole lot more done that I have. I worked last weekend and Brad completed painting the nursery in a blue color which I will post later...On Tuesday I had the day off and just thought I would drive by Buy Buy Baby to see if they had opened yet...well to my surprise they had "now open" signs up so I was so excited because we wanted to make it there on the grand opening day to order our crib and furniture. Well I just happened to be their first customer (which I joked about being since I stalked their website trying to find out when grand opening day was)...anyways I was welcolmed with cheers and applause and even going back almost a week later most people recognize me and remember me as their first customer..yes awkward considering I had just left my step class and was disgusting and sweaty and pregnant but funny none the less. A couple of hours later Brad and I returned and purchased the crib and dresser and then I attempted to register as Brad returned to work. The problem is I am obsessed with researching evvvverything I ever do and I have not spent enought time researching baby products and therefore I really wouldn't say what I did was "register" I simply picked out a couple of products that I liked but none of the necessities that I am looking forward to registering for....Anyways, it was a great fun day and then I packed on Wednesday and left for Hilton Head to meet the sisters and the nieces there for a little getaway!

Ryan and Uncle Brad before the UGA vs. Arkansas was hilarious because Ryan would run around singing "Who let the dawgs out" and she was cracking us up!

This was Hayden one day in her adorable hippie outfit. She now stands and walks around in the pose all the time and it is so stinking cute I just wanna bundle her up and take her home with me!

I love when Hayden starts giggling. She is at the cutest age right now and has started waving "bye bye" and given kisses (open mouth she hasn't actually figured out how to pucker yet)

Ryan was such a sport at the beach and even though she couldn't really get in the ocean she still was adorable to watch as she ran around collecting shells and running in and out of the water.

Hayden was hilarious on the beach she would run and fall in the sand and get right back up and start sucking her thumb with sand and all who knows how much sand she ate the past week. By the end of the week she was just loving the ocean and would literally lay in the water waiting for a wave to crash in on her.
Hayden of course had to try her mommy's drink..she loves drinking out of cup and especially straws and anything that is made for grown ups. She also loooves playing with her sisters shoes and will spend hours putting on Ryan's crocs and walking around and taking them off and it is too cute!
I had to point out the Cathleen has just recently taken up sewing and actually made these bathing suits for the girls. I mean they are precious and I can't believe how talented she is. I am so jealous and can't wait for little munckin to have a matching one (right sis?!?)
Ryan and I left the beach Friday leaving Corinne, Dantley and Hayden one last day together. Well I think Ryan and I were both equally thrilled to spend an evening in Greenville. I was soo nervous driving home with Ryan. I mean I had my sisters child in the car for 4 hours not knowing how she would behave or knowing if she would start to miss her mommy and daddy but she was GREAT!. She watched movies the whole way home and even got a treat at the gas station for being so good. She couldn't wait to see Uncle Brad and he was just as thrilled to have her come visit for the evening. We took her to Wild Wing with Brad's parents Friday night and then Brad's mom and I entertained her (well really she entertained us) as Brad and his dad assembled the crib. She got to wear one of my tshirts as a nightgown which she thought was the coolest thing ever and we read books and went to sleep and she didn't wake up once. She was such a doll. Her and Brad spent the morning at the park while I worked out and ran a couple of errands and then the rest of the clan arrived to our house on Saturday.
Well we have had Nemo the pinata ever since our engagement shower at Britt's parent's lakehouse and we never ended up busting it there. I mean Ryan has fallen in love with this thing and everytime she comes to our house she asks when she gets to have her fiesta (I think she gets fiesta and pinata confused but either way all the girl wants out of it is candy). We were going to hang this at her birthday party but of course her little party never took place. Well she never forgot about the pinata and since she only had one arm to work with we weren't sure how she was gonna break into this guy.

She must have tried to bust it with the soup ladel for awhile making grunts and full force efforts poor thing..but eventually thanks to Uncle Brad's golf club Corinne, Brad, and I had a ball going to town on this pinata as candy literally flew all over the backyard.

Hayden was picking up busted pieces of 2 year old candy off of the ground and eating it ...lovely I know..but it really was a fun activity outside with the girls.

It's hard to believe that the time keeps flying but here I am almost 28 weeks and I haven't posted my 26 or 27 week vege photos. The top picture is when baby Redd is 26 weeks (the equivalent size of a cucumber or 15 inches and 2.2 pounds)
*How far along? 27 weeks
*Total weight gain? about 20 pounds
*How big is the baby? Head of a cauliflower or 16 inches and 2.5 pounds
*Maternity clothes? I bought a couple of new tops and capri pants today because I really only had work clothes up until this point. I hate spending the day in my workout clothes that are essentially too small too so I am trying to branch out with some new maternity clothese but seriously I could spend a fortune they are for sure not giving maternity clothes away. I need to find a couple of cute outfits for the Georgia game in a couple of weeks as well as the girls weekend at Chateau Elan so I will hopefully make a trip to the mall this week.
*Sleep? Still sleeping fine. I have to sleep with my tempur pedic pillow and then I usually have aonther pillow close by. Brad won't let me bring in the giant snuggle snake shaped pillow that my sister gave me because he thinks he will feel more cramped than he already does in our queen bed so for now everything is going well in the sleep department.
*Best moment this week? Getting to see the beautiful crib all set up in the beautiful blue room. I just can't wait for baby to sleep in his room.
*Movement? He gets really active for 5 minute intervals and I feel like anyone could see or feel it but I still think we may be a couple weeks away from the naked eye or hand seeing or feeling his movements. I sure love it and I just get so happy when he moves all about.
*Food cravings? No cravings. Still able to pack lunches and eat about my same diet. I am sure I probably have a bigger appetite than usual but no weird cravings to report!
*What I miss? I despise running but all I want to do is go on long runs and I just am too scared to even try. I feel like I would just hurt the poor little guy so I am sure I just want a run because I know I shouldn't so this will pass I am sure!
*What I am looking forward to? My 28 week appointment and hopefully having a great diabetes screening (meaning of course no signs of gestational diabetest and of course to get a good report that baby is doing well inside of me!)
*Milestone? Making it to the 3rd trimester..although I am still really confused about whether it started at the beginning or ending of week 27 either way tomorrow starts week 28 so I am happy to report that I have made it to the 3rd exciting!
*Is working out harder? Some days imposssible...some days it just seems to take forrrrever to get my body warmed up. I have been cramping way more than I ever have. I am planning to ask the doctor if I need to now or in the near future decrease my intensity but I still try to continue at my same pace as much as possible. I haven't done the elliptical in probably over a month since I have discovered spinning but I am going to give it a shot this week just to make sure I haven't completed lost my stamina on that machine.
*What has been unexpected? That I would finally not mind being pregnant. I was sooo uncomfortable for sooo many weeks and I am just so happy that I have been healthy and feeling great the past month!
*Names? Well Brad and I are 95% positive on the first name and we refer to the baby by his first name so much that I am so scared I will slip on here and type it out so hopefully no one will catch me! We are working on the middle name and once we decide (really pick one out that we like) we will happily announce it!
*Nursery? Betty is working on curtains and a toy bag that hangs from the crib for the baby's room, I have bought toy baskets that Cathleen is going to make liners for. I am eyeing 4 picture frames from restoration hardware for the walls. I still have to decide on a glider (like asap), I need a lamp and a little table for right next to the glider, and I need to decide on the initials so I can get to work on baby's monogram. Oh I just love decorating the nursery so much!
We hope to get a lot accomplished in the next week. This is our last weekend with no plans until the baby is born so it will be nice to knock some things off the to-do list. Brad and I spent 2 hours at buy buy baby today learning about different products and hopefully will start deciding on some great items for the baby to use in the near future. I need to get better about blogging but I will post some pics of the nursery and some other things I need help with in the next couple of days!


  1. Well, I of course need to talk to you, but this was a wonderful update, my love! I can't believe you got to take Ryan home with you for a night- how fun!!
    I'm so glad you're feeling well, and seriously... you are SO CUTE!!! I LOVE the belly! You look amazing...really.
    PS- You know I'm dying to hear the name... perhaps you can tell me for my birthday present?! ;)

  2. how does Britt ALWAYS beat me to commenting? Stalker....

    I can't believe u have a cauliflower inside of you! Now every time I go to the grocery store and see one, I'm going to feel so weird! I need a baby bump side view! You are such a cute preggo!!!

  3. Love the blog Christen and Brad!!!!! Great keeping up with the pregnancy this way. I agree with Alexis - side profile shot. :)

    ~ Jess
