Thursday, June 16, 2011

6 months

Crawford you have definitely become aware of your surroundings over the past month. You are a joy to watch grow and change each day. You brighten up my mornings and I fall asleep peacefully just knowing that you are sleeping so sound. I love each day I have with you and I truly am thankful for each minute I spend with you.

6 Month Stats

Weight - 15.5 lb (12%)

Height- 27 inches (70%)

  • You drink 6 ounces (usually 3-4) from your bottles while mommy is at work and you nurse some mornings and always at night.

  • You sleep from about 9ish to 8ish

  • You wear 6 month and 6-9 month clothes and size 2 diapers

  • Oh you still aren't a very good napper but when I am home you will generally take a 30-45 minute nap in the early morning and then a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon. You always fall sleep in the car but the second we take you out your eyes pop open. You just don't like napping and the pediatrician assured me that you are going to turn out just fine (even due to your lack of sleep...but it just helps explain your extreme fussiness as the day goes on...don't worry we still love your despite your fussy attacks!)

  • You discovered your feet earlier in the month and at this point can get your whole foot in your mouth. You also love sitting with the soles of your feet touching and it is just precious

  • You have learned what a cough is you often like to fake cough and it is very funny

  • You began to sleep on your tummy this month (after making mommy a nervous wreck for a few nights I have accepted the fact that you can indeed breathe even though your head is smooshed against the matress). We have found you in the strangest positions in your crib but nonetheless you sleep well and really enjoy your tummy (you will flip to your stomach within seconds of us placing you on your back)

  • You also have begun to wake up sometimes in the night ---I usually just come in there and rub your back for about a minute and then you go right back to sleep if I don't hear you in time then you are wide awake and I generally have to feed you...I thought it was a little phase but it has lasted several weeks now

  • You still love putting everything in your mouth (although no signs of any teeth yet). You can distinguish baby toys from adult objects and of course you always want our things (phones, keys, remote, silverware, paper, mail, magazines name it)

  • You can sit up on your own now and seem very strong ...if you weren't so into evvverything you would probably last a while sitting up...however you are more interested in keeling over trying to grab something

  • You love being fed water from a want more more more...can't wait to start letting you practice with water in your first sippy cup (right now you just chew the cup!)

  • You did not try any baby food this month...I kept you on breastmilk and was hoping your digestive track matured over the month...we will venture out to get veggies in the next few days (doctor told us to just not try rice cereal right now if it was bothering your stomach)

  • You still LOVE bath time...I always lay you on the animal quilty and you get so excited for bath time...usually this is your fussy time of the night but you always calm right down when we put you in the love kicking your legs and throwing your face into the water until you start coughing but hey I like that you aren't scared of water on your face

  • You can almost launch yourself out of the bumbo and I am pretty sure you would if we weren't standing very close by

  • You can get yourself in crawling position but aren't quite sure what to do from there (we are okay with that I can't even imagine life with you once you're on the go!)

  • You still love walks in your stroller and being rocked to sleep ...gotta love that movement

  • You rub your eyes when you are sleepy

  • Hey mom I can grab my feet

that animal you're holding trying to get me to smile is working...

alright lady with the camera that's enough of that...I need a break

hey maybe can I hold your camera and eat it sure looks good

hmmm how do I reach that toy on my nightstand?

ok so in his 6 months of existence not once has he fallen asleep on daddy....this is the picture I have waited months to have this picture

alright mommy I'm ready to go see my babysitter for the day

full belly what else could a little guy ask for?

He is so chill in the mornings...

this is how I find him most mornings...this is why I was a nervous wreck when he first started sleeping on his belly...I mean really how is he breathing?

play time = grabbing mommy and daddy's face and hair

that drool is awesome

mid -roll over

1 comment:

  1. He has gotten so big!!!!!! I need to see him (and you guys) soon!!
