Thursday, July 14, 2011

7 Months

7 month photos went like this ---sit C on his bottom he would flip over to crawl immediately--we tried for about 20 minutes I even resorted to holding toys on top of my head to get his attention...guess this is only the beginning of him moving all over the place when I try to take pictures!

Crawford -- you are the most precious lively little boy and I am so lucky to be your mom. You have gotten to be quite the mover and you are so much fun! I adore your little movements and your adorable voice and I just can't get enough of you. You brighten up even the worst of days and I go to sleep so peacefully each night knowing that you are safe and loved by everyone. I have loved watching you figure out how to crawl and move about and watching you stare people down is about the cutest thing ever. You exploring new foods has been a great development and it makes me so proud when you take a bite and know to open your mouth. I can't believe you are no longer a "baby" who lets me cradle you in my always want to be sitting up and seeing what's going on! As always I really cherish every day and minute I get to spend with you...I never put you down on my days off and we just play and I love being able to enjoy watching you become so active. Since you have pretty much been moving those legs since day 1 it has been so nice to see that you can finally move about on your own. You seem much happier this month and your fussiness has died down and \u just wannna play on the ground and can entertain yourself with all of your toys.

7 month stats:

Weight- 16.5 pounds


  • You still drink 6 ounce bottles of breastmilk and mommy still nurses in the morning and evening. I have introduced you to formula and you will take it in a bottle as well.

  • You started solids this month and the first few days you couldn't really get the hang of it and would spit it out but after about 3 days you really got the hang of it.

  • Your first taste was of green beans (we didn't think you liked them at first but we tried again a week later and you ate them right up.) then we moved to sweet potatoes-carrots-peas-pears-bananas-apples. You have eaten them all up and are eating a full jar at eat sitting. You have tried a few puffs and you don't seem to like them so far.

  • We moved you up to a size 3 diaper this month. We were using Huggies up to this point because we had bought so many to begin with but now have switched to pampers as them seem a little softer

  • You still wear 6 month and 6-9 month clothing. You haven't really grown out of anything lately. I would say most of your 6 month sleepers are getting to short so we usually put you in the 9 month ones

  • You sleep from about 9:30 till anywhere from 8-9. When July hit you decided that you were finished with that finicky stage where you decided you wanted to wake up once a night. So you have returned to sleeping through the night again!

  • You sleep on your tummy--we lay you on your back and you flop right on over and then by the middle of the night you have wedged yourself into a corner where you sleep so peacefully until the morning. (One of my favorite things is waking up in the middle of the night to see you sleeping so peacefully I love watching you sleep!)

  • When you wake up--- you have learned to go from your tummy to sitting up in your's hilarious because you don't make a sound doing it --it just looks like you are sitting straight up but when I go into your room sure enough you are wide awake. Sometimes you will be on your knees grabbing the bumper trying to peek over at us...again so cute

  • You have found your ears and we love watching you play with them.

  • Most importantly you are CRAWLING---I really feel like you are no longer a baby since you wiggle out of mommy's arms and want to be put down so you can move all about. You haven't picked up speed yet so you just leisurely crawl to a toy or to something you want to investigate but man it's only a matter of time

  • You still love the sound of hair dryers and watching me brush my teeth-- you are so intrigued

  • You love watching the Giggle Bellies videos on You Tube. They have a few songs you love ''Old MacDonald" and the "Wheels on the Bus" always calm you down

  • You love grabbing the ends of our pillows that are satin and when you are nursing you just love holding them and rubbing them on your face

  • It's impossible to keep shoes on your face--so I apologize that you have gone shoeless for so long now

  • You just started sitting in the buggy and high chair when we go out so no good stories there yet

  • You won't ever sit still so we can clip your nails --we have to get a flashlight and do it in the dark once you have fallen asleep

  • You normally fall asleep while mommy is feeding you but sometimes you are still hungry so we will make a bottle and then rock you for just a minute before laying you down

  • You are still a pretty terrible napper- you sleep great in the car and fall asleep almost instantly but the second we get you out of the car you are wide awake and there is no getting you back to sleep. Sometimes I will spend 2 hours trying to get you to take a nap that I just KNOW you need and then you will only sleep for 45 minutes.

  • I love how when daddy or I say your name you break out into the biggest smile---it is the BEST feeling ever.

  • Thanks for being such a sweet and loving little boy---I am fascinated with your mobility and how active you are and you just bring us such joy with each smile and giggle. We talk about you even when you are not with us and we laugh about all of

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