Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11 months

11 Month Stats:

  • Weight--19.5 pounds

  • Length-

  • Sleep- 9-8ish. You go to sleep awake now and just put your fingers in your mouth and grab your blanky and you are out.

  • Naps- Take 2 at least 1 hour naps and sometimes an additional evening cat nap. You always take your morning nap about 2 hours after getting up. The afternoon nap is not as predictable but you still nap well considering you are Mr. On the Go

  • You eat everything!!-- I can't even keep track because if we are eating someting then you want to try it and you don't even look at it -it goes straight to your mouth. New food you have tried --cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, rasberries, different beans, brocolli, zucchini, turkey. You still love mandarin oranges and grilled cheeses the best! You can eat a whole grilled cheese, a whole banana, and a whole can of oranges (I don't know where you put it)

  • You are still breastfed -man I had no idea we would last this long. You were nursing 4 times a day and I plan to take it down to 3 this month. You still won't take milk out of a sippy cup (and no chance out of a bottle either). You will take formula better than breast milk and I even tried whole milk and you take it about as well as formula. So we are hoping that changes next month!

  • You have six teeth (2 on bottom, 4 on top)

  • Diaper-Size 3

  • Clothes- 6-12 from Gymboree and Mini Boden 9 month-smocked outfits 12 month-Carter sleepers

  • Shoe-size 4

  • We have found you in the toilet numerous times this month-lovely

  • You can now crawl up and DOWN the stairs and the down part still makes me so nervous

  • You can get yourself down off of the couch and the bench in our room and while you used to want to head dive off you have figured out how to flip on your tummy and get off feet first

  • You love laughing at yourself when you head dive off our bed onto the bench and you looove doing this every night

  • You chatter up a storm -still no definitive words

  • You hum when you are eating someting you really like

  • You still love chewing on anything and everything -your favorites-the iphone, remote, and plugs of all sorts

  • You go crazy when you see the lap top (we have no idea why but if you spot it in a room you will make your way to it and freak out if someone won't let you push the buttons)

  • You really don't seem to like your stroller anymore-sad news for us

  • You do fine in the baby bjorn and that is how we have been grocery and errand shopping lately

  • You lovvve grandpa (of course) but I mean if given the choice to go to daddy or grandpa -granpda usually wins out!

  • You love going to the gym nursery-the girls that work there just love you and I always know you are in great hands

  • You can push and walk with your toys that are designed to be pushed

  • You love trucks or anything that you can push around on the floor

  • You are over the small puff and now prefer the veggie puff (basically like a cheese puff)

  • You still love baths and have even become brave enough to turn your head sideways and drink the water coming out of the faucet. When you are feeling real brave you will dunk your face in the water

  • You love the silky part of our pillows and must be holding it while you nurse. You also love the silky part on your blanky

  • You have mastered pretty much any sippy cup (except those with a straw). We give you water all throughout the day (when you are at Nana's you are spoiled and get juice)

  • You still are not a tv person and will only watch cartoon for maybeeee 10 minutes

  • You aren't a fan of having your diaper or clothing changed and you make this very difficult task for us

  • Ok, I am seriously in denial. I can't believe the one month countdown to Crawford's first birthday is going on. I just can't believe he has grown and changed so much over the past year. We have learned so much about ourselves as a couple and as parents and we still lay in bed at night talking about our precious son! We truly love you more than you could ever know. You make us laugh and you make us proud on a daily basis and really is there a better feeling? You play so well by yourself and it makes me think of how independent you have already become. I love when you crawl to me and pull up on me and keep pulling until I pick you up (just a sweet reminder of how you love me!) The other greatest feeling is you waving bye bye to me....although it's a little sad because you have no fear for strangers or mommy and daddy leaving you's too cute when you wave and grin and I just know you are going to be okay! I love how you will crawl up in my lap and suck your fingers and rest your head on my shoulder really is the greatest reward for being your mommy. I don't ever let a day go by without telling you how much I love you and how truly blessed I am to be your mom. I wish I could freeze this time because I am just not ready for you to be a big boy. I am so thankful that you are a sweet, happy boy and I am just going to treasure every day left of you being a baby because I am just not ready for this sweet time to you tons baby boy!

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