Monday, August 23, 2010

24 Week Update!

What a treat to have Alexis drive all the way from ATL to help me spend the day planning our nursery and coming to a doctor visit. Soo I bought these fun bump stickers and so lieu of an eggplant this week we have the 24 week bump sticker! Well Alexis arrived this morning and Brad and I had taped out the nursery furniture in the future nursery so that she could see how much room everything would take up and we could start looking at details. We went back and forth about which bedroom to use and we are about 95% positive we will use the smallest room which means one less piece of furniture to purchase and two more windows to cover with curtains but for now we have still chosen the bedroom that is facing towards the front of the house. Who knew a glider would take up sooo much space in a is causing our crib to be off-centered and therefore ruining all of our painting and design plans...but thanks to Alexis we have come up with a good back up plan and I can't wait to start making some purchases! At the top you see some picture frames that we plan to incorporate in the nursery and then of course there is the wall monogram that I have falled in love with! (obviously we won't be planning that until we come up with a name and we will be using a midnight blue for the letters and a yellow frame for the background I love how the letters pop off the board)..Well Alexis and I also had lunch at Larkins and then stopped by Lowes to pick out some paint samples (make my head spin with all the different choices of blue paint!) ...dropped into Home Goods, stopped by my favorite and the newly re-opened Swoozies and then headed to my doctor's appointment. Everything went well other than being told that I would have to start taking iron supplements (yuck) because of my mild anemia...the baby's heartbeat was in the 150's and I was measuring between 24-25 weeks. (This was the funniest part of the day as Alexis who has never been to a pregnancy visit asks the doctor who is socially awkward with 0 personality "Wow the baby is measuring 24 inches that's huge" haha I think we got a good laugh the doctor simply let her know that that is the length of the uterus and did not entertain our humor with this sincere question!) Anyways it was so fun for her to be with me and hear the baby kick at the nurse as she tried to listen to his heartbeat...I am so happy that everything seems to be going well and that I am feeling soo much better....We then went birthday shopping for Ryan and stopped by some of my favorite baby boutiques...Such a long, fun, and tiring day. I miss my all my girls soo much and hope that we can all share in these exciting moments of each other's lives because it really means sooo much to me that everyone has been so interested in all of the details of my pregnancy...soo thankful and appreciative for all of the support!
Now onto the 24 week update.....
*How far along? 24 weeks
*Total weight gain? 16 pounds (I was actually relieved that I hadn't hit the 20 pound mark and as I held my breath on the scale I think the nurse got a good little laugh at me!)
*How much does the baby weigh? 9 inches (1.7 pounds) aka an eggplant
*Maternity clothes? Well destination maternity caught my attention when they advertised free shipping and I splurged and bought 3 more pair of work pants, and thought I would try a full length pair and a pair of capri yoga pants (thought I could give these a try at the gym and see how they do), and one cute shirt to wear with jeans...I can only wear collared shirts to work and they are still just barely buttoning but they do so instead of spending a bunch of money on clothing that I cover with a lab coat I will sport my polo button downs until they will no longer work!
*Sleep? I am sleeping a whole lot better (minus the retainers that the orthodontist made that are waking me up in excrutiating pain) my sleep is going just fine for the time being!
*Best moment of the week? Having Alexis spend the whole day with me and feeling like I made some progress with the nursery...oh and we bought a tempur pedic bed and I can't wait to see if it makes a difference with my back pain from work!
*Movement? I have finally accepted that yes what I am feeling is the baby moving..I was so leary to ever admit to myself that I was actually feel the baby moving because I read all of these blogs about these moms who describe this kicking so early on and it seems soo crazy to me...but yes I do think the random thuds I am feeling against my stomach are definitely kicks and I think the nurse solidified this feeling for me when I felt the baby kick when she was checking the heartbeat and she said "man he is just kicking me telling me to stop probbing him with the heart monitor.
*Food cravings? Well after the rapid weight gain I tried to eat as healthy as possible this past week...It was pretty successful minus all the homemade cookies, muffins, brownies, and chocolate I have indulged in...oops!
*What I miss? Not being able to go to Nick and Ashley's shower this past weekend because I was just too tired after work and couldn't imagine staying out till 11:00 pm...
*What I am looking forward to? Finally having my belly "pop" out..I hope I can soon actually look pregnant and not just like I have gained 15 pounds!
*Milestone? Admitting and finally knowing in my heart that I am feeling my little baby move around in there ....not a better feeling to be had!
*Names? Oh goodness...we shared with Brad's parents some of Brad's favorite names and it was too funny to hear their reactions...but we are still searching for the perfect name and haven't spent too much time on this issue in the past week
*Working out harder? I have mostly been spinning but wow today was rough..I get nervous sometimes because I get so mad at my body for getting so tired so I keep pushing myself harder but then remember the saying in the back of my head "never push through a workout when you are pregnant" so I am trying to remember I am not just taking care of myself but I sure do hate my loss in endurance.
Sissy is coming Wednesday night and we are going to Bonefish with her and the Harris' that evening ...then we are leaving for Knoxville on Thursday to celebrate Ryan's 4th birthday!!! I can't believe my little princess in all grown up and in pre-K...this is so crazy. I have got to find her an "Ariel barbie with feets" whatever that mean I think I am supposed to find her a barbie of Ariel from The Little Mermaid and we all know I don't like to disappoint her! I can't wait to see how much Hayden has grown in the last month and hear all of her one liners she has recently been saying like "uh-oh" ...Brad will joing us on Friday and then we will have Ryan's party on Saturday with lots of friends from school. I can't wait to meet Bronson (Ryan's boyfriend) this should be a fun weekend!


  1. Christen, you look amazing... I can't wait for your belly to POP :)

    I can't wait to see pics of the nursery as it all comes together... take steps along the way so I can pretend I'm there!!

  2. yay!! I wish i could come every Monday to help do fun baby stuff...what a fun day!! I cannot wait to see when the room is painted, furniture arrives & decorations are up!!
