Thursday, February 10, 2011


My little C! ....Where have the last 2 months gone??! I am soo grateful for the 2 months that I have gotten to spend with you. It is amazing how different you are from one short month ago. You used to feel so fragile and now you are rounding out. Your face is so expressive now. You have grown in length and have really started to fill out all of your clothes. You nurse like a little champ and I love knowing that you are healthy and growing. I literally haven't left your side for more than 3 hours since you were born! I can't even take my eyes off of you. Even when daddy is changing you or keeping you occupied I find myself gravitating towards him and you so that I don't even miss out on a moment of your life!...I can't get enough of you! Although the first month was a giant learning and evolving process for really have just melted my heart each day of your existence. Although you are still the most serious baby you are just adorable and I find myself just mesmerized by your cuteness!

Sometimes I think you should be a lot older than you are and I find myself expecting all of these changes overnight...then I remember you are just a tiny little baby and that we have many months and years for you to evolve into a little man. Althogh you won't remember these times when you were so tiny, I am so grateful that you are healthy, happy, and well loved...and that you have spent almost your whole life in my arms being loved more than you will ever know!....I feel so lucky!

2 Month Stats:

  • Weight- 12 lb 2 oz (60% --up from 9 lb 12 oz)
  • Height- 24 inches (87%--- up from 23 in)
  • You now wear size 1 diapers
  • You are wearing some 0-3 month clothes (although you are outgrowing most of them), you can fit perfectly in plain 3 month clothes and I have just washed and pulled out your 3-6 month clothes (I guess you will not be fitting into your 3 month Easter outfits ooops!)
  • You loooove the swing. In the beginning it would calm you momentarily then one day you fell asleep in it ...and now poof it is your favorite location to take naps....buuut the music turns off every 10 minutes and I literally must jump off the couch and get to it before it shuts off in order to keep you in your sweet slumber
  • When you fall asleep you often fall asleep with your hands frozen in mid air. It might be the cutest thing
  • You have officially started to smile (at first it was just a few here and there but now every morning when I change your diaper and I make silly faces at you give me a few you don't go overboard and let's make it clear that if it's past 4:00 no one will get a smile out of you...but in the mornings you definitely crack a few smiles
  • You have started to get into a little bit of a routine. Normally you wake up for the day between 8-10:00 and you will eat and then proceed to eat every 3 hours. Every now and then you may get fussy and want to eat more frequently but generally until about 5:00 you eat every 3 hours. Then at 5:00 you become very fussy and nothing makes you very happy. It seems like you cluster feed in the evenings and it becomes a nonstop process from about 7-11 ...then you are out for the night till about 4-5:30...mommy is happy about this sleep
  • You normally take 1 long nap (3 hours) or just little cat naps (30 minutes or so) you still don't sleep much during the day but I am enjoying your night slumber
  • You love going on walks and we have been taking you out almost every day now that it's a little warmer
  • When you fall asleep your head almost always falls to the left (well your right...either way it's soo cute)
  • This past month you suffered some pretty bad baby acne and some cradle cap...sorry C you'll be all cleared up in no time
  • When nursing sometimes you will just break into a big ole smile and then you go right back to is soooo adorable and I just want to eat you up when I see that precious little smile
  • When you start crying seems to get louder and then your face turns bright red and if it's time for a nap gets painfully sad to hear you cry but I know after that terrible last loud cry you will be out for the count..and almost always after that last terribly loud cry you are out
  • You still don't like taking a paci (it seems like we can get you to take it for 5 minutes or so and then you realize that there is no milk coming out and you spit it out...then if we try to give it to you again you get realllly mad)
  • You sleep on the dryer in your carrier practically every night. When it shuts off at night you continue to sleep but once I feed you around 5 and put you back on the dryer you wake up if I don't keep it here I am in the ligthest sleep hopping over to the dryer every 35 minutes...we love you!)
  • You love baths
  • You love car rides
  • Daddy tries to give you a bottle once a day to get you used to taking a bottle
  • You have great head control and often times you head butt us or slam your head into our shoulder
  • You love sucking on your whole fist


  1. Look how much he's grown!!! I can't wait to see little C. Does he sleep on the dryer through the night? I didn't know that! Can't wait to snuggle the little guy and hear all the updates in person!! Happy 2 months little buddy!!

  2. I can't believe how FAST he's growing up!! I need to live closer!! Can't wait to see the little man tomorrow!

  3. I have these stickers! I can't wait to use them :) (even though it means he's getting older...)
