Tuesday, February 8, 2011

6-8 weeks

I have always heard that at about 6 weeks your baby starts behaving better and "things" get easier. I never quite understood how this could be possible when at 4 weeks I was still getting little sleep and dealing with a very fussy baby. I kept thinking yeah right that just seems too good to be true. Well I sure don't know what it is about that 6 week mark...is it that mommy has recovered or become less sleep deprived? Or do you become more in tune with your baby's behavior? Does the baby start settling down? I am not sure what happened...but motherhood has gotten muuuuuch easier. The more time that passes the more settled Crawford has become. We have had 2 8 hour stretches of sleep, last night he slept NINE hours, and usually he is sleeping about 5-7 hours the first stretch of the evening...let's just say I feel very fortunate...even after 6 hours of initial rest I feel sooo much better and much more prepared to meet all of C's needs. He has also started showing some personality...now he still is Mr. Serious the majority of the time...but we have been having conversations with him letting him know that it's okay to let loose and relax...he's been responding with smiles and he even tries to talk and tell us what's on his mind but he usually just can't get much out! I just looove being his mom! I am starting to have pre-going back to work anxiety. I always thought I could stay home with C all the time because I would run out of things to do and be bored...YEAH RIGHT! This is so rewarding and I just love all of the bonding we have had. I am going to miss every second away from him. I finally feel like a normal person again (minus the fact that we still haven't been out in public...but I'm trying to protect C because all over the news they are talking about the overwhelming amount of flu cases right now and I just don't want to risk getting him sick right now). I wanted to share C's personality with you all...the following pics were taken within in a 5 minute period and just show how much reaction I can now get out of C! I love it!

I'm still trying hard to keep this paci in his mouth...not much success...Nana and Granpa have a much better track record with getting him to take a paci...with me he sucks for about 5 minutes realizes that no milk is coming out and then spits it out and gets VERY angry if you continue to try and give it to him.

I mean I just adore this outfit...too bad by the time I dressed him in this outfit it was waaay too small. the bottom of the outfit cut off at his knees...he is growing soo big...that hat is 0-6 months...guess he has a big head too!

Mister Serious!

Gotta love the diaper genie!

Getting ready for a walk a couple weeks ago...I have a feeling this newborn outfit would not come close to fitting him any longer!

Looking at mommy...love that he can really hold a gaze...it's so entertaining to watch him stare at things...he'll hold the gaze forever!

We have been working on his grasp lately. We love trying to get him to hold onto things...However, it's usually us putting things in his hands and he doesn't even realize he is holding onto them...not yet at least!

Smiling at Daddy!

He makes this face a lot!

Joe and Jess came over for a visit and brought C a piggy bank, a golf hat (of course he is going to love this), and a place to put his first lock of hair and his first tooth! Thanks guys!

My first pampering weekend...got a mani/pedi, my hair done, and dinner out with The Harris' and the Riveras at Sassafras...feels great to get out for a bit!


  1. oh my GOODNESS!!!! Look at that smile- he's so precious! I can't wait to visit and see that smile in person. He's so cute!

    And you look fabulous, blondy!

  2. look at these sweet faces!! I LOVE it now that his cute little personality is coming out. It's amazing how much he's already changed in this short period of time. Can't wait to see him next week!! Hopefully he will smile for me :-)
