Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3 Months!

  • I am in loveeeee with my little 3 month old! He has become this sweet little human and I can evoke the most darling smiles! He is so much fun! I truly get so sad leaving him each morning. I enjoy my days off more than I ever have and I just love that I have finally developed some mommy confidence and can take him on my errands now. He loves looking around and as long as I am pushing him in his stroller he is so content. It looks like mommy found a new shopping buddy!

    Crawford--you have really come into your own these days...you cuddle more, you smile more, you sleep more, you are less fussy and you bring such joy to your daddy and me! Even when I have been with you all day I still follow daddy around when he has you...it's as if I don't want to miss a single minute with you ...and I don't...I cannot get enough of you and your ever changing temperment and personality are so much fun to watch! I can't believe how big you have gotten already! You can now freely hold your head up and the newborn days are quickly fading..so sad.

    3 month stats:

  • Weight - 13 lb 8 oz

  • Length- 25.5 inches

  • You are wearing size 1 diapers

  • You are wearing 3 month or 3-6 month clothing. Your Gap sleepers are comfy the Carters ones get real worn and short for you. Polo runs crazy small and 3 month outfits are too small. Gymboree you are wearing 3-6 month and 3 month jon jons are still pretty big

  • We have given you all sorts of nicknames-- C, C-man, boo boo, Crawf, boobs (I know that sounds funny but that's what I always end up calling you guess I put boo boo together)

  • Your hands are all over the place this month--if you are sleeping they are up by your head, if you are hungry they are in your mouth, you have started sucking on your fingers if you wake yourself up, when you are eating you are clawing and scratching at mommy's chest

  • You love the tv and all the sound and colors that come from it

  • You are a drooling fool

  • You are drinking from a bottle and doing a great job. You started taking bottles regularly on March 1st when mommy went back to work. I usually leave 3-4 4 ounce bottles for grandpa to use during the day. On the days mommy works till 9 I leave an additional 8-12 ounces for you because you eat nonstop in the evenings even when mommy is gone

  • You prefer the medela bottles. I had all these great bottles to try out and you prefer the free ones that came with the pump

  • You still love the swing (although I just purchased one this weekend and you don't seem to like the new swing go figure!)

  • You love going on walks and as long as you are in your stroller being pushed you stay content

  • You spent most of this past month sleeping from 10 to about 4-7 (and this was on the dryer in your carrier....well mommy decided to buy this woombie zip up one piece that locked your hands and feet all in one outfit ...you somehow figured out how to get enough momentum going to propel yourself out of the carrier=worried sick mommy and daddy and a trip to the doctor to make sure you were ok---you were just fine thank goodness) Well obviously that was a red flag --no more sleeping on the dryer...we dreaded the transition to the crib so we tried setting you in your carrier in your room for a week and a half...then on the weekends we would set you in your crib and you would only last a couple of hours...well this past weekend you just decided to sleep 10 hours in your crib on Sat night and voila since then you have slept in your crib and the past 2 days till 9:30 (mommy feels like the luckiest most grateful mommy around) ...so for the past 5 days you have slept between 10-11 hours interested to see how long this lasts!

  • You still love nursing and I almost always get to feed you before I leave for work (unless you are still sleeping which has only happened once and I was just so sad all day because I didn't get my Crawford time) but you are always awaiting me at the door when I get home from work and it usually just takes about an hour or so of eating and you are out!

  • Your yawns are the cutest thing

  • You can sit in your bumbo now! Yay!

  • This is the first month where you have really gotten out and about...I took you to Kohls, you have been to Publix several times, Buy Buy Baby, Target, The Bramhalls, to Chiefs (with your daddy while mommy was at the gym and thought you were at home!), Liberty (to watch the Clemson bball game), inside Chipotle to pick up dinner, the mall (once to shop and just today to have your 3 month pictures taken), Panera, and Flour Field for Clemson baseball game tonight!

  • You are adjusting well to mommy being back at work. Grandpa says you are doing just fine (and I will take his work for it but I still believe it's MOST of the time...as you still have your fussy bouts!) You take short naps for grandpa usually on his stomach or while he is rocking you in the glider. He also takes you outside and on walks and you are eating well for hime

  • You love being sung to (mommy has the worst voice and I will literally sing you songs about what I am doing and you act like I am the best form of entertainment ever!)

I truly have embraced this past month with you....The first 2 months were such a huge adjustment for both of us buddy and I am soo grateful that I have become so much more comfortable being the best mommy I possibly can be to you. Your daddy and me just literally stare and you and you are the topic of our conversations 90% of the time. What did we have to talk about before you came along? Your smiles melt my heart (each and every smile still gets me and I just want to package you up and keep you small and all mine forever!) I love every piece of you and literally thank God every day for your good health and for being the best blessing that has ever come into our lives!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you are able to get out and about with little C! I know that makes for a happier mommy :) He's growing up so quickly and it such a cutie!!
