We have really had the most amazing time watching you grow and change so much each month. This month has been particularly fun because you are moving about, talking more, pulling up, eating more and really becoming a little man! It's much easier to plan out our day with you because we don't have to rush home to let mommy feed you...you can now eat plenty of foods and we can often hold you over with some puffs and mum mums and you are plenty content. I just always want to be around to watch what you are going to get into next. You make the most adorable faces when we say your name and get your attentions and watching you explore and reach and grab and try to figure out how to get into a box is just much fun. I love the sound of your laugh and I will do just about anything to get a good one out of you. I love how much happier you have become as you have become more active. You are just so excited that you can move about and you love when you get to a new object and then if you can pull it down or get to it you get even more excited. I just never want to leave your side and I get so excited to see your face when I walk in to door. It is priceless to see a huge smile at the end of a long day and I am so grateful that you are still awake when I get home each day because it wouldn't be the same if I couldn't put you to sleep each night. I am so overjoyed to see you continue to grow and ever so thankful for your great health. We are looking forward to spending the fall watching our little baby become a little boy! We love you more and more each day and are so proud to be your parents!
8 Month Stats:
- Weight-- 17.5 pounds
- Height-- 28 inches
- You are wearing size 3 diapers
- You wear your anywhere from 6-9month clothes (and I am so thankful that every single outfit I bought you last summer actually fit you this summer...really thought I was going to be regretting my crazy shopping sprees!) You wear 6-9 month jon jons, 9 month sleepers
- You sleep from about 9 to 8ish. Sometimes we don't get around to putting you to sleep until almost 10 and you still wake up right around 8:15 so I think we need to keep working on getting you to sleep by 9.
- You are still breastfed when mommy is around or you drink bottles that mommy pumps for you. I still haven't had to use formula (I tried giving you some here or there when I thought my supply was diminishing but not that you eat solids my supply is keeping up just fine.)
- You love baby food--you just eat it up and always look like you want more. You also love puffs and Mum Mums. You are still deciding if you like yogurt and you now don't seem to like peas and green beans as much as you did in the beginning. You love all of the fruit blends though and I just love introducing you to new stage 2 fruit blends. We will randomly give you a piece of fruit to bite down on (lemons, oranges, canteloupe, watermelon etc and you just love it)
- You can pick up most food with your own hands and of course want to feed yourself...you are always trying to grab the spoon as well trying to take the bite all by yourself
- You don't like many toys as you are way more interested in our shoes, remotes, phones, keys, computer, ipad...we can buy you a new toy and you are trying to go get the pampers box or the piece of trash or magazine
- You are moving all over the place...you now crawl to where you want to go and then pull up and look around and can reach down and grab a toy and stand back up
- You stand up and can hold on with one hand and take your other hand off wherever you are and look around
- You crawl is so hilarious--you kinda half crawl half walk so one leg is always planted on the ground as if you are walking we must post a picture so we can remember how cute it is!
- You are not interested in the exersaucer or the johnny jumper (again these things are just way too constraining for your busy lifestyle)
- You learned how to give high 5's and it has to be one of our most proud teachings to date..it's so fun to say "Crawford high 5.." and you get all smiley and then you take your hand and reach it to ours...soo fun
- You make motor boat sounds with you lips constantly....it's hilarious
- You are such a wiggle worm and won't ever sit still for a diaper change...nana even bought you some new diapers that we can pull right on (even worse)...there's a song we sing after bath time to allow us to get a diaper on you and get you in your pj's and it's the "ants go marching one by one haraaah, haraah"...anyways kinda weird but works like a charm you stare at us and don't flip over or wiggle and it's so cute to watch you calm down to a song we sing!
- You babble all the time...it's gaaagaaa, daadaa..and daaaah...but again you don't connect the fact that da da = dad...thank goodness (I'm still holding out hope that you will call me mama first!)
- You are pretty content wandering around the floor on your own and playing but man when we give you attention you just light up...you loooove when people are paying you all of the attention
- We finally took your infant adapter off of the stroller so you officially cruise around facing away from us (sad for us and I'm sure better scenary for you!)
- You still sit in your carrier in the car (but you are getting a little long so we will be looking to upgrade you to a convertible seat sometime soon)
- You still love snoozing in the car (and I think I have finally realized that all of those cat naps you take while in the car are the reason when I can't ever get you to take a good nap in the afternoon...you are getting just a little rest and then you are good to go)
- Your laugh is just contagious and I can't help but laugh when you do...it's so cute and deep and just brightens my day
- You love playing peek-a-boo and it always results in laughter
- You still take baths every night---there's nothing sweeter than a freshly clean smelling baby and we think it calms you down and it's just become part of our nightly routine
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