Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sutton 10 months

I cannot believe my sweet angel is now 10 months old! You are just into everything right now! You can crawl and get around fine but standing and cruising in your thing. You take more falls in a day than I can even count. You are totally in to mommy right now. You will put the death grip on me if you even think I might hand you off to anyone. You turn your back from whoever is trying to take you and you hold on for dear life. It is just the sweetest! You also love love your ear. You start sucking your fingers with your left hand and play with your right ear with your right hand and it is just your little security blanket right now. I just love this sweet age...your smile brightens a room and our love for you grows every day. 
  • Stats:
  • Weight: ~18 lb
  • Height: 
  • You take 4 6 ounce bottles of formula now. You were on nutramigen and we switched you to enfamil this month and you have done wonderfully. You can take milk from a bottle or sippy cup and we usually just use whatever is clean. you switch back and forth great. You take a bottle around 7:30, 11, 3, and 7
  • You eat about an hour after your bottle times. You still eat baby food most of the time. You will eat any of the food we buy. I think we need to be more consistent giving you real food. You still make a mess when you are trying to feed yourself so we need to give you more practice. You seem to like just about anything right now and I haven't noticed you having a preference for one particular food.
  • You are our little angel sleeper. You go down somewhere between 7-8:30. Some weeks it seems to be later and the past week it has been right around 7. It seems to just depend on our schedules. You sleep until 7-8 (usually somewhere around 7:30). You take one nap from 9:30-11ish and another nap from 1ish to 3ish. Sometimes you still take a cat nap around 5:30 for about 30 minutes. You have always done so great at night and we never hear a peep out of you. You just sleep in your jammies. I may start trying a blanket in there soon.
  • You wear 6-12 month clothes. I would say 9 month fits you perfect right now. 
  • You wear a size 3 diaper.
  • You still just have 2 bottom teeth and I can't see or feel any others coming in.
  • When we get you talking and babble back to you-- you just get carried away and love it. You still say daaaa daaa the most. Some times we will get naaa naa  or a mmmmaa but not quite a maamaa. 
  • You want to pull up on anything. You can grab the wall and pull up on it. You love to make a mad dash for the all wood stairs and can make it all the way to the top without any assistance. You cruise all over the place and take some hard falls to the face while attempting to get around, You literally have a new bruise on your face every day.
  • You looove mommy right now. I mean you will start crying if I even leave a room. If I am holding you --you will not go to anyone else. You hold on to me so tight and will turn your head and back to whoever is reaching for you. You will continue to scream until I take you back. It is just so sweet. You really don't want anyone to leave your sight though. You will play by yourself just fine but someone has to be near you.
  • you love remotes and phones!
  • You love Molly (nana and papas cat) and you try to follow her everywhere.
  • You love nana and papa and of course your brother. You think he is hilarious. He can play so rough with you and you just love it.
  • You don't like to be set down for a diaper change and I always have to hand you something to play with in order for you not to squirm away.
  • You can drink water from a sippy cup but your favorite way to drink water is when mommy pulls some up in a straw and drops it in your mouth--it can entertain you forever.
  • We just got home from Disney and you LOVED IT! You did so great and you were such a trooper. I carried you around in a carrier with you facing me. You took naps that way, wento n rides that way and just were so flexible with being out and about all day long. It is so cool that you went to Disney at the EXACT same age as Craw. it will be so neat to look back on pictures of both of you there at this stage in your life!
  • You definitely prefer the carrier to the stroller. 
  • You do like a good wagon ride
  • Your nicknames as of now...still "tini," "tini topper", "tina" "goo gee girl" 
  • Aunt Cat just moved here and you love when she walks through the door. We are so glad to have her here to watch you grow!

This is the pitiful cry we get when mommy tries to set you down. You think I am leaving you but I am not!

We all just love love love you! I am so thankful for this past week I got to spend with you in Disney World. We are so very grateful for nana and papa who wake up early every day to take care of you. You love them and they just love watching you grow. We can't believe you are almost one year old. The year has flown by and I will always treasure this stage of your life!

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