Wednesday, June 9, 2010

13 Weeks

I am going to attempt to follow along with the fun quizzes to see how many things change as the pregnancy goes along..Hopefully I will start taking pictures and documenting the journey. Here goes....

*How far along? 13 weeks
*Total weight gain? about a pound
*How big is the baby? size of a lemon
*Maternity clothes? Not yet so far all of my regular work clothes are still holding out for me
*Sleep? falling asleep is miserable because I am nauseous at nighttime and cannot get comfortable. once I fall asleep I awake every couple of hours either because I have to use the bathroom or because I am on my stomach and I wake up feeling sick.
*Best moment this week? Hearing the baby's heartbeat!
*Movement? Not that I am able to feel yet
*Food cravings? no food ever sounds good to me. I have a great appetite but trying to decide what I want to eat or can stomach to eat is a nightmare. I am still waiting for a 10 pm run to the store to get that perfect food to fit a craving. Although I can usually always eat mexican (surprise surprise)
*belly button ? In
*What I miss? Feeling energized every minute of the day. I am not used to feeling exhausted all of the time.
*What I am looking forward to? The big ultrasound numero dos. I can't waaaaait to find out if we are expecting a little boy or girl
*Milestone? Finally making it to the second trimester and sharing the news with all of our family and friends!

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