Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Doctors Appt #3

Well, I have officially made it to the second trimester!! I had my third Dr. appointment and met my second Dr. his name is Dr. Bradley. Unfortunately Brad was at work and wasn't able to come to this Dr. appointment but I got the best treat ever because Brittany drove from Charlotte to have a fun filled baby shopping and Dr. appointment day with me. We had lunch at Mimi's cafe (one of my favorites) then spent time at a baby furniture store, Babies R Us, Baby depot, and my favorite boutique Nest (where I hope to purchase the bedding for my future son/daughter). We then headed to the appointment and I got to see what a standard visit would be like. (It took all of about 20 minutes). They check your weight and blood pressure send you to an exam room where a nurse comes in to find the heart beat and then the Dr. comes in to answer any new questions or concerns. My favorite part was obviously hearing the baby's heartbeat. It was amazing! I couldn't believe how low the baby still is in my stomach. It had a strong heartbeat of 157 and I just couldn't get enough. It was a special day to share with my best friend and I feel so lucky to have had her there with me. A great day and another advancement in the pregnancy!

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