Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sky Top Apple Orchard

One of our favorite fall excursions is going up to Sky Top to pick apples. We have done this every year and it's one of our favorite fall traditions. We went up on a cool fall Sunday and the weather was just perfect (actually we could have used an extra layer). We were so excited for bring Crawford (I remember being prengnant last year and being so excited to bring our little guy). We began by testing samples of apples (we do this every year even though we know our favorites) then I got an apple cider slushy and Brad got a hot apple cider and we grabbed a basket and hit the orchards. Brad's parents were with us and it's always a fun time picking out all of our favorite apples and dividing them up afterwards. We took to the hills in search of Jonagolds (my favorite) and we must have walked up and down and up and down and I finally reached the end where they told me I would find them--and no luck everyone was in search of the same ones. Well we loaded up some others and then just purchased some jonagolds. We really wanted to see what the apple donut hype was all about by the line was ridiculous so hopefully next year we can finally taste an apple donut! About to head down and up the hill in search of jonagolds

Crawford was checking everything and everyone out -and we never use the baby bjorn but in this situation it was perfect!

Crawford wanted to grab at every apple in sight and he wanted to hold it and take bites --yes he definitely tried a few samples of apples and couldn't get enough!

The sign that is supposed to tell you where to find your favorite apples--this sign is a let down each year......

note to self-next year wear a jacket and running shoes as there are smushed apples everywhere (I mean how do we forget this every year and return in flops?!)

We just love this fun fall tradition and we always come home with a variety of fresh apples. For some reason they taste so much different than the ones from the grocery. Next year, we can't wait to take C on the hayride and watch him run through the orchard reaching for apples. A fun family tradition to be continued for sure!

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