Sunday, November 14, 2010

35 weeks

Well I don't have too many updates considering I have been at Walmart working everyday except Wednesday and did not take very many pictures. I am so thankful to have tomorrow off. I did have Wednesday off and Brad and I enjoyed lunch at the cutest little spot. It's called Twigs and I am just obsessed with it. I have been to decorating classes there and even loved it as a my second choice for my wedding venue. The lunch is definitely the perfect spot for a great girly lunch (but thanks to my sweet husband he made his prego wife happy and joined me there.) You order your lunch and it is presented on tea stands. Now if Brad and I had agreed on the same thing we would have had a jumbo tea stand but this is my mini tea stand and look at all the yummy food!! Well since I am also obsessed with my nieces and I get to see them this week I just had to post a picture of them in their adorable matching outfits! I mean I never knew how parents could equally love both children but I am so obsessed with both of these little girls and just can't stand it!

So Brad totally hates what we have dubbed Crawford's "leisure outfit." I bought this as a warm and comfy outfit for our winter strolls in his new stroller! I just think it is so cute and is the perfect liltle outfit for him to run errands with me and still stay bundled up and warm!

We also got our picture frames in! I had read terrible things about Restoration Hardware and their customer service and delivery and was NOT expecting these to arrive in 4 days. I just love them and they are EXACTLY what I was hoping for. This 9 opening frame is going to show all of his adorable newborn little features that the photographer captures!
This isn't the best shot but this is the look I was going for and they are the perfect picture frames to display his precious future newborn photo shoot pictures!

Brad put up a towel bar in Crawford's bathroom and now that someone will finally be using this bathroom we have somewhere to hang his adorable "crocodile" towels...I think crocodile bathroom better describes his precious bathroom...alligator and my child's bathroom should never be in the same sentence considering gators are my LEAST favorite things!

Side view-

Well that is about all of the baby stuff I have taken care of this past week. Can you believe my official work countdown has begun and I officially have 12 days of work left!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to think about not stepping into walmart for 10 long weeks (any walmart errands will be left to Brad considering I need to regain my sanity) On a side not walmart customers have just said the weirdest things to me ...the old ladies are for sure the sweetest ..they always want to know when I am due, what I am having and then proceed to tell me all about their cute...then I had the random man that said "so do you know who the dad is?" I looked at him disgusted and held out my hand and said "um yes my husband's ...thank you" ...then there was the transvestite that thank goodness just had a question about claritin and high blood pressure....some others just point and stare...but at least people notice I'm pregnant and not just hobbling around like a girl who ate too many brownies.
In other news, I spend waaaay too much time online shopping for the seems like it's something new every day...the other night I caught myself putting together a maternity leather bound photo did my online shoppping take me to a website where I was designing a book of my pregnancy..but that's how easily I get off track. I had finally stopped clothing shopping oh back in September when half of you had scared me about my crazy 6-12 month old shopping spree, so I swore off clothes and opted for decorative gear with only a month to go I am so nervous that he isn't going to have enough cute clothes to get him through the of course I want his name plastered all over his clothes which gets pricey. My new favorite website is and I spend hours finding things that I can add his initials to. I can go from looking for newborn gowns, to monogrammed towels, baby hats, to uga baby gear all in the matter of an hour. Brad is ready to throw the laptop out and hide every credit card we own. If he only knew how excited I am for the day after thanksgiving....I plan for us to shop from 6 am until we have anything and everything we may need for Crawford's arrival!
Well onto the quiz!
*How far along?
*Total weight gain? pushing the 28 pound mark oh my lord I am not okay with this...looks like my working out is NOT paying off!
*How big is the baby? 19-22 inches and 6 pounds..still a large canteloupe and I still can't find a canteloupe that even closely resemble what is inside of me!
*Maternity clothes? Love that I get to wear comfy long sleeved maternity shirts. Even though I had a rough start with this maternity clothing thing..they are very comfy and I hope that I can pass some onto some of my girlfriends one day!
*Sleep? Still no problems (don't worry I count my blessings each night) I have started getting nauseous at night again (just like the first trimester) at first I thought it was something I ate...but it has happened almost every night...then I read in my book that hello 1st trimester symptoms can return (I mean how weird that they are presenting in the EXACT same way?! so phenergan is my friend again!
*Best moment this week? Crawford has been moving at at all new high...he seems to be more active this week than he ever has ...I LOVE it!
*Movement? again moves constantly...hiccups still the best...on Thursday I think he had the hiccups 5-6 times!
*Food cravings? have loved some fruit loops this week! I also have loved some granny smith apples as well
*What I miss? I seriously never have had a hard time WALKING up a yes I will be thankful again when I don't have to catch my breath after walking up a HILL!
*What I am looking forward to? making it full term tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh and getting Crawford's letters for above his crib! and all of his other gifts I have bought him this past week!)
*Milestone? coming 35 weeks with very little to complain about (I can't wait to read back through the blog in a future pregnancy and read about how bad I thought it was...looking back I feel very blessed!)
*Working out? It is definitely getting much harder...I was looking around at body combat thinking is everyone staring at the large prego girl and hoping she can make it through the was definitely the hardest class I have done in a while. Spinning also takes me about 30 minutes until I have come to grips with the heavy breathing and really pick up my endurance. I love that Brad will go on walks with me on the weekends to make me feel active and healthy! Walks are still easy and at least allow me to get fresh air and get blood pumping through my legs!
*What has been unexpected? The anxiety I feel every day now thinking "oh my gosh will I know if something is wrong? Will I know if labor has started? Has my water broken (when I wake up?!)...oh the anxiety I am starting to feel...deep breaths!
*Nursery? Hmm..well I just love his room but I always walk in thinking what other personal touches do I need to add? It will be great to have my friend's input this weekend and hopefully we will get it perfect.
I am off Monday, Thursday, and Friday...looking forward to a lot. I am having lunch with Jaclyn tomorrow (a friend I haven't gotten to catch up with since being prego), ortho appt to check on these obnoxious braces...I mean can we seriously get these teeth straight already? I still don't like my top teeth and now I am liking my bottom less and less ...oh lord these things are never coming off at the rate I'm going. Get to meet a new doctor on Thursday for my first of my "weekly" check ups, then I get to see Jenny, Alexis, and Brittany, both sisters, and my nieces all in one week..I can hardly contain my excitement! I am sooo excited for our couples baby shower on Friday. Brad is over the moon excited and this has seriously made him soo excited.. I know he can't wait to celebrate with all of his great friends and I am so thankful that they are all such great friends to us both now!

1 comment:

    I'm so so excited that I get to see you this week! And the pictures frames are perfect- I love that rustic look!
    Talk to you later!!!
