Friday, December 10, 2010

Crawford's Arriving NEXT week!!

Had my last doctor's appointment yesterday 39 weeks and 4 days! Again, everything looked great. Doctor noted that I was 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. He mentioned just waiting it out and seeing how I progressed next week. Since it is already December 9th (closing in on Christmas) and my increasing back pain, oh and the fact that my job has made it impossible to get my maternity leave all lined up I couldn't fathom waiting a WHOLE extra week for his possible arrival. I really want for Crawford's birthday to be as far apart from Christmas as possible. I know this sounds silly but with my birthday on the 28th and Brad's on the 29th and remembering the pitfalls of having a Christmas birthday I was really hoping that he would arrive before Christmas. Even though I know I will make it my job to assure that Crawford's birthday is ALWAYS extra special I still wanted his birthday to come as soon as possible. I asked the doctor if there was any chance for an induction next week after explaining the above (most notably my work leave because I would lose a whole week of time with him if his birth got pushed back all because I can't take vacation on my weekend of work--soo lame!) so anyways much to my surprise he simply asked if I had a date in mind. I told him the sooner the better but that anytime next week would be perfect. He checked on the calendar and saw that there were already 2 inductions scheuled for next Monday and Tuesday so as of now I will call the hospital on Wednesday 12/15 and hope to have little Crawford sometime that day or the following day depending on my progress! I am soooo thrilled and am going to enjoy the next 5 days to preparing for his arrival. I will keep you posted if for any reason he decides to come sooner but if not I look forward to my 5 am phone call to St. Francis on 12/15/10!!!!


  1. That's sooooo exciting!!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet the little guy :)

  2. oh my gosh it's finally time!!! this is the one time in our lives where you're allowed to call me before 8am...haha u can call at 5am!! can't wait to come up there and meet the little guy...see you Wednesday!!!
