Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day One - Crawford's Arrival

So the big day finally arrived. We woke up at 4:15am and headed to the hospital at 5:00am. They immediately hooked Christen up to begin the induction.

Brittany and Alexis showed up around 9am to be with their best friend during the wonderful time in our lives.

Cathleen then showed up followed by my mom and then later on my dad.

So they gave Christen the epidural a little before 10am. It worked in the beginning *for about 2 hours with no stress and smiles and feeling good* and then slowly began fading away. Actually, it steadily stopped working completely on her left side (from a little before 2:00 till 4:30)We tried everything to try and help her relieve the excruitiating pain on her side but nothing worked. We even tried to wedge a tennis ball in the small of her back to alleviate the front side pressure but nothing worked. She wasn't progressing like they wanted her to. Come to find out, Crawford's head was lodged in Christen's pelvic bone so he wouldn't make his way down toward the birth canal. She came in between 1-2 cm dilated and began progressing in the beginning. When she was 3 cm dilated they gave her the epidural and then about an hour later she was 4 cm dilated. Things were looking good. However, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm she was not progressing much beyond a 5. (the doctor said this was outside the normal labor curve even for a first time mother). The doctor noticed some decels in his heartrate that he did not like. That accompanied with the fact that his head was molded (or cone headed) in her pelvis bone gave him some reason to wonder if she would ever progress. After speaking with the nurse, the CNA and Dr. Metherell, who was the on call doctor, Christen decided that a C Section would be the safest and best route. So they wheeled Christen off to the OR. As they prepped Christen w/ the spinal block (numbing her from the midsection down), I scrubbed up so I could go watch. They had a screen up from Christen's neck. I sat by her head for the first part as they cut into her. Then I stood up and watched as Crawford was pulled up from Christen's belly. IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER WITNESSED. Words can't explain the feelings that rushed through me. The doctor then brought him around the screen for mommy to see.

He was quite a haus weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz. He was 21 inches long.

After they cleaned him off, I brought him around for mommy to see.

One happy family!!!

After an hour of recovery time, friends and family were allowed to come back in the room. Everyone had smiles from cheek to cheek.

Before they took Christen to the OR, I asked for 5 minutes alone with her where I gave her the push present I picked out. After the hustle and bustle thoughout the week, I made it to Geiss and Sons and got her a David Yurman white agate ring that she has been talking about. She absolutely loved it!!!!!!!

The happy family again!

Here is Crawford's first sponge bath. You can tell from the picture below, but he did not like it!

One of the nurses here said that she has worked her for 12 years and has never seen feet as big as Crawford's.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you two are continuing the blog- it's so fun to hear the emotions and experiences happening during the first days as a new family! I just know this will be so special to look back on for years to come!

    Again, it was AMAZING being a part of the big day- I'm so honored you all wanted me there! I cannot wait to hear more! Please keep updating as often as you can :-)
